Thomas Jefferson Papers
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To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Anderson and Others, 27 March 1804

From Joseph Anderson and Others

[27 Mch. 1804]


We the Undersigned do recommend John Kennedy Esquire—of the State of Tennessee—Attorney at Law—as a Candidate for the appointment of Secretary of the District or Territory of New Orleans, or as Attorney for that District—for either of which appointments his talents and integrety well qualify him—and Shou’d the President think proper to Honor him—with either of the appointments—We feel Confident he will discharge the duties of the office, with honor to himself—and Satisfaction to his Government—

Jos: Anderson

Wm Cocke

John Rhea

Wm Dickson

G: W: Campbell

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); undated; in Anderson’s hand; endorsed by TJ as received 27 Mch. 1804 and “Kennedy John. to be Secretary Attorney Orleans” and so recorded in SJL.

john kennedy, a native of Virginia, represented Washington County, Tennessee, in the state general assembly from 1803 to 1807 (Robert M. McBride and Dan M. Robison, Biographical Directory of the Tennessee General Assembly, 2 vols. [Nashville, 1975-79], 2:425).

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