Thomas Jefferson Papers
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To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 10 December 1800

From George Jefferson

Richmond 10th. Decr. 1800.

Dear Sir,

The price of Tobacco having continued stationary from the date of my last until a few days past, and having then rather declined, on receipt of intelligence that it had become so very dull in Philadelphia & New York that scarcely any sales were made, and of course that the prices in those places were merely nominal; I concluded, in compliance with your instruction, to make sale of yours—which I did accordingly to Macmurdo & Fisher of this place at 6 dollars payable the first of April next. this information would have been given you some days sooner, but that I was called out of Town immediately after making the sale, on a very mournful occasion.

This sale I am rather apprehensive may be somewhat below your expectation, but as the House to whom I made it is perfectly safe, and, as perfectly pointed in complying with their engagements, I did not think myself justifiable in letting the opportunity slip; and especially when I took into consideration a circumstance with which you are not acquainted: which is this—that in a falling market it is a very rare thing indeed to meet with any one who is considered to be entirely safe, who will give an extra price in consideration of a long credit. indeed at any time since the great fall in the price of Tobacco, it has not been a very usual thing for persons of undoubted credit to give more on time, than1 is barely adequate to the outlay of money.

I am Dear Sir Your Very humble servt.

Geo. Jefferson

I included in the sale the Hhd which was received in lieu of the one which was lost of the former crop.


RC (MHi); at foot of text: “Thos. Jefferson esqr. Washington”; endorsed by TJ as received 16 Dec. and so recorded in SJL.

Date of my last: George Jefferson to TJ, 24 Nov. 1800. For TJ’s instruction, see his letter to George Jefferson of 29 Nov.

1George Jefferson first concluded the sentence “the outlay of money would be worth to the [seller]” before altering it to read as above.

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