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Documents filtered by: Correspondent="Huntington, Jedediah"
Results 91-120 of 134 sorted by date (descending)
Brigade Major McCormick of the pennsylvania line two days ago sent his Commission and his Oath of...
I inclose your Excellency a Letter from Lt Col. Gray. I have some Expectation of further...
I have this hour recd a Line from the Command at Newark that a Body of Enemy are out at...
Your coming to Morris as you wish tomorrow will be agreeable to me, & I request that should you...
The Minister of France, who is now here, being desirous to see Elizabeth town and the Country...
Lt Colo. Gray who commands the Guards below informs me that a Company of Militia Horse who have...
The Connecticut Line becomes weaker every Day by the three Years Men leaving us, besides two...
I have just recd your favor of this date —I have not had any advice from the Commanding Officer...
I inclose a Letter from the Officer commanding at Elisabeth Town respecting Prisoners, should not...
I am pleased to hear by yours of yesterday of your arrival at Springfield. I have long wished and...
Letter not found : from Brig. Gen. Jedediah Huntington, 28 March 1780 . GW wrote Huntington on 29...
I have received Your favor of Yesterday and thank you much for the Suggestions contained in it. I...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. Jedediah Huntington, 23 Oct. 1779 . GW wrote Huntington on 24...
I received your letter of yesterday last night—The intelligence from New London is interesting—I...
Just now Captain Stevens of my Brigade came into Camp from Killingsworth —he says that two...
I have stated the subject of your Excellency’s Requisition, with my Opinion, in the few following...
I have received Your favor—and am much concerned to hear of the uneasiness among the Captains and...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 28, 1779 . States that arrangement of the Army has been...
I transmit your Excellency an Arrangement of the 2nd Connect: Regiment, aggreable to your...
I am favd with yours of the 7th instant, inclosing three different Arrangements of the 2d...
The affairs of the 2nd Connecticut Battalion, by I know not what Fatality, seem to be in more...
A few days ago I received Your favor of the 10th Instant. It gives me much concern that there...
When I gave Colonel Sherman an Order for the french Cloathing agreeable to your Excellencys...
Philadelphia, January 14, 1779. Instructs Huntington to supply Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Sherman’s...
Col. Sherman, who will deliver you this, informs me that his regiment has not received a supply...
On Rect of yours of the 23d Decemr I laid it before the Board of War for their direction. As the...
Your favor of the 2d Inst. meet me on the road to this place. I shall give directions to-day to...
Letter not found: from Jedediah Huntington, 2 Dec. 1778. On 14 Dec., GW wrote Huntington : “Your...
In consequence of a Letter this minute received from Colo. Bland who is conducting the march of...
Your several Favours & Commands of the 18th 19th & 20th reached me this Evening—Orders are gone...