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    • Harrison, Benjamin
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    • Confederation Period
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    • Harrison, Benjamin


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Harrison, Benjamin" AND Period="Confederation Period" AND Correspondent="Harrison, Benjamin"
Results 1-30 of 46 sorted by date (descending)
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My friendship is not in the least lessened by the difference which has taken place in our...
In the first moments after my return I take the liberty of sending you a copy of the Constitution...
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 7th inst: enclosing an Act of the General...
It is not easy for me to decide by which my mind was most affected upon the receipt of your...
The letter of July 20. 1784 with which your Excellency was pleased to honour me and which...
GW’s letter to Governor Harrison marks his return to public life as the leader of a movement to...
The bearer hereof Colo. Le Maire who was in the service of the Comw. of Virga. during the late...
A few days after my arrival here Colo. Le Maire writer of the inclosed letter called on me and...
I have had the honor to receive your favor of the 2d—What you have asked of the Secretary at War,...
Long as the enclosed letter & petition appear to have been written, they never came to my hands...
We do ourselves the honor of transmitting to your Excellency, a Copy of the Journals of Congress,...
[ Annapolis, 8 May 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Govr. Valedictory-tender of service to state.” Not...
The duty of correspondence for the Month being devolved on me, and no authentic intelligence from...
Since my letter of this morning the post has arrived and brought us a letter from Dr. Franklin of...
I do myself the honor of inclosing you an act of Congress on the subject of Western territory as...
Mr. Jeffersons letter of this date will give your Excellency every Communication that is worth...
[ Annapolis, 27 Apr. 1784. Entry in SJL reads: “Govr. Post delays—not stopped here—Genl. W’s...
[ Annapolis, 16 Apr. 1784. Entry in SJL reads: “Govr. Loan office debt established—requisitions...
I wrote you by the last post that some objections had been started in debate on the justice of...
Your Excellencies favour of the 2nd. Inst. I was this day honoured with. It was not my Idea or...
No authentic intelligence from Europe. Public papers as late as the 27th. of January state Mr....
I do myself the honor to enclose your Excellency a Copy of the resolution of Assembly, voting a...
We have received no foreign intelligence through any authentic channel since the letter from Dr....
I must first apologize for not sending you a copy of the constitutions before this by assuring...
[ Annapolis, 24 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Govr. Introducing McAlister.” Letter not found;...
We inclose to your Excellency by the bearer Mr. McAlister an Exemplification of the deed of...
In my letter of the 3d inst. I mentioned to you the gazette account of a change in the British...
Since my last nothing material has occurred. The Indiana Company some days ago preferred a...
I have the honour to inform your Excellency that Congress have accepted the Cession of our...
Mr. Hardy’s illness and Colo. Mercer’s absence deranged the order in which the office of...