
  • Recipient

    • Hamilton, Alexander
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    • Washington Presidency
  • Correspondent

    • Hamilton, Alexander
    • Washington, George


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Period="Washington Presidency" AND Correspondent="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Correspondent="Washington, George"
Results 271-280 of 323 sorted by relevance
I have, in the regular course of the Posts, been duly favored with your letters of the 9th,...
A voluminous publication is daily expected from Mr. R——. The paper alluded to in the extract of...
(Private) My dear Sir, Mount Vernon Octr 14th 1791 When I addressed a private letter to you a few...
(Private & confidential) My dear Sir, Mount Vernon July 29th 1792. I have not yet received the...
Since the date of my last dispatch to you of the 1st: instant, I have received your Letters of...
Your letter without date, came to my hands by Wednesdays Post; and by the first Post afterwards I...
Mr John Cogdell having resigned his appointment as Collector of the port of George town in south...
I am arrived at this place and just in time to acknowledge (in a hasty manner by this days...
In due time, and in good order, I received your letters dated the 4th, 5th & 10th instt; and...
Your letter of the 18th., enclosing answers to certain objections communicated to you in my...