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    • Hamilton, Alexander
    • Randolph, Edmund


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Correspondent="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Correspondent="Randolph, Edmund"
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I beg leave to answer a question which you propounded to me some time ago. Several quarter Masters and other public officers, some with salaries, others with Commissions, have received public Money to disburse for public use. Of this money they were robbed, notwithstanding reasonable care on their part. Are they entitled to an allowance for the sums lost; or must their relief depend on...
In answer to your Official letter of the 19th. of February last I beg leave to observe: that the supplies and services therein mentioned as having been furnished and rendered by individuals for the use of the Public, were undoubtedly from the nature of Contracts, originally debits against the United States: that the Officers who granted the Certificates, debentures or other acknowledgments for...
The Attorney General of the United States does himself the honor of replying to the questions propounded to him by the Secretary of the Treasury, as follows: ☞ 1st. To the statement in the letter of February, 12th: 1791. It does not appear whether the deceased Administrix be interested personally in the estate of her deceased husband. If she were so, although the whole legal right vested in...
In answering your communication of the 10th. of december last, I cannot do better, than acknowledge my conviction from the reasoning of Mr. Dayton. That reasoning being in your possession, I beg leave to refer to it, as the groundwork of my opinion, that military rights to land ought to be received on account of his that is Judge Symmes’s contract in the manner, contended for by him. I have...
In the opinion, given by Mr. Bradford and Mr. Ingersoll, I find the case of Mr. Robert Buchanan to be accurately stated; but after paying a respectful attention to the sentiments of those gentlemen, I am compelled to say, that I differ in the conclusion drawn from that statement: for I cannot agree, that any interest is to be received upon ⟨the⟩ certificate for the year 1791. I acknowledge...
I have done myself the honor of calling at your house and office, with a view to say a word to you, on the claim, which the holders of a certain description of certificates have set up. But being disappointed in meeting you, I beg leave to give you the result of my reflections on that subject. What degree of obligation lies upon the United States to gratify them, is at this time immaterial,...
The attorney-general of the United States does himself the honor of replying to the questions, propounded by the secretary of the Treasury of the United States, in his letter of the 12th of October 1791, as follows. 1st.   The Commissioners, appointed in pursuance of the act, incorporating the bank of the United States, have no power, as such, to superintend the election of directors, or to...
I do myself the honor of answering your letter of the 2d. instant upon the subject of the North Carolina certificates. The 13th. section of the funding act admits, that subscriptions may be made to the loan payable in the principal and interest of the certificates or notes which, prior to a certain day, were issued by the respective states as acknowledgments or evidences of debts, by them...
In our conversation Yesterday we reduced the substance of your favor of the 7 Instant to this question: Whether you ought, under any modification, to suspend the payment of Interest to a State, which is intitled under the 17th. section of the act “making provision for the debt of the United states,” to receive interest to the amount of the nonsubscribed deficiency; In trust for the...
I understand from your communication of the 2d instant, that you do not wish my opinion upon any other point, than that which seems to have produced a schism between the Gentlemen of the NewYork and Virginia bar. The former are interpreted to declare, that sixty Cents and no more are demandable by the Collectors for every entry of an inward Cargo directed to be made in conformity with the...
In answer to your communication of yesterday, on the case of Col. Heth the Collector of Bermuda Hundred, I have the honor to inform you, that his enquiries demand different solutions. The contract, made before the passing of the law, to which he alludes, may be consummated on the 2nd day of January next without impropriety. For the restriction on Collectors, on the disposal of public...
Persuaded as I am, that the last effort for the happiness of the United States must perish with the loss of the present Government, and that to be unable to execute laws because a few individuals are resolved to obstruct their operation is nothing less, than a surrender of it, I went into the consideration of the carolina and pittsburg papers with a determination to spare no pains to ascertain...
On my return home, I found your letter of the 6th. instant. My answer is short; being no more, than this, that there is not a single fee or emolument incident to my office; that I have paid the expences without taking any account, as I expected no retribution; and that my salary is 1900 dollars per annum. I have the honor, sir, to be   with respect   Yr. mo. ob. serv. ALS , RG 46, Second...
When I first read your letter, inclosing the cession of Montok-point, I suspected, that it would be necessary to travel into a wide constitutional field. I was apprehensive, that I should be obliged to inquire, whether congress, even if they were so disposed, could accept a cession, with a reservation of state-jurisdiction. But when I adverted to the act, which directs a light-house to be...
The President of the United States requests the attendance of the at Nine o’Clock tomorrow morning ; at the President’s house, on the subject of the note sent to the on the 17~. inst: and that the will bring with him such remarks as he may have committed to writing in pursuance of said note. At the same time the President will lay before the Heads of the Departments & the Attorney General some...
To The Secretary of State—The Secretary of the Treasury—The Secretary of War and The Attorney General of the United States. Gentlemen, The Treaty which is agreed to be held on or about the first of June next at the Lower Sandusky of Lake Erie, being of great moment to the interests and peace of this Country; and likely to be attended with difficulties arising from circumstances (not unknown to...
The question which I had the honor of receiving in your letter of the 20th of March instant, is, Whether certain certificates of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania , originally issued in lieu of Continental certificates, and lately offered to be subscribed to the Loan in State debt, according to the Act supplementary to the Act, making provision for the debt of the United States, can be legally...
I am extremely thankful to you for your readiness to accommodate me on the subject of the bills; but find, that the negotiation of the gentleman, to whom you alluded, was not for me. I must therefore make an arrangement for myself. The sum, which I want to sell, is much less than £2600 stg. It is only 1300 £; as I prefer waiting for a rise. For the money to be raised on this latter sum I Am...
The posture of affairs in Europe, particularly between France and Great Britain, places the United States in a delicate situation; and requires much consideration of the measures which will be proper for them to observe in the War betwn. those Powers. With a view to forming a general plan of conduct for the Executive, I have stated and enclosed sundry questions to be considered preparatory to...
Philadelphia, June 4, 1793. “… Inclosed is Mr. Bell’s paper. From Baltimore I shall remit that Sum, which I mentioned to you in part of your kind favor.…” ALS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. For background to this letter, see Randolph to H, April 3, 1793 , and William Bell to H, June 2, 1793 .
It will not be amiss, I conceive, at the meeting you are about to have to day, to consider the expediency of directing the Customhouse Officers to be attentive to the arming or equipping Vessels, either for offensive or defensive war, in the several ports to which they belong; and make report thereof to the Governor or some other proper Officer. Unless this, or some other effectual mode is...
The question, arising upon Mr Lovell’s letter, turns upon the identity of the vessel. If she remain a french bottom, a Register cannot be granted; if she has been converted into an american bottom it may. I shall enter into no subtle disquisition on such an occasion; but shall conform myself to practical ideas. It seems to be agreed in England and Philadelphia, that a vessel of the description...
Fresh occurrences, but communicated thro’ private channels, make it indispensable that the general principles which have already been the subject of discussion should be fixed, & made known for the government of all concerned, as soon as it can be done with propriety. To fix rules on substantial ground, conformably to treaties & the Laws of nations, is extremely desireable. The verdict of the...
Th. Jefferson submits to the Secretaries of the treasury & War & the Atty Genl. some sketches of Notes to be signed for the President. As they are done from memory only, they will be pleased to insert whatever more their memories suggest as material. Particularly, the final conclusion as to the express-vessel will be to be inserted, which is most accurately know to the Secy. of the Treasury....
Your letter of the 9th instant was delivered to me yesterday. It is a desireable thing, for the cause of humanity, that the vessels, therein described should be exempted from Tonnage. But this must be the act of the Legislature; and cannot arise from the construction of the collection-law; the cause of their quitting the Island of St. Domingo, not being the Species of necessity contemplated by...
I have just taken the oath of office, which reminds me that I am brought into a nearer relation to your department than hitherto. While official men are under no less an obligation than others, to live in harmony; there are too many opportunities for misconception and misrepresentation to interrupt it. I have therefore prescribed this rule for myself: that if anything, supposed to be done in...
I was informed by my predecessor, that he has been in the practice of remitting to the Bankers of Amsterdam ten thousand dollars every quarter for the objects of the foreign fund in his disposal. He added, that two quarters ought now to be provided for. Shall I beg the favor of you to enable me to execute this part of my trust? Bills furnished by the Bank, would be more agreeable to me than...
E. Randolph begs the favor of Colo Hamilton, to inform him, whether the bills mentioned in a note the other day, on Amsterdam for the use of our ministers, be attainable? Mr. Marshall is going to England in a day or two, and E.R. wishes to inform them of the supply. LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives. See Randolph to H,...
The Secretary of State begs the favor of the Secretary of the Treasury to order a warrant to be made out on account of the foreign fund, in the disposal of the department of State, for twenty thousand Dollars; this being the sum, which from Mr. Jefferson’s memoranda, appears to be proper to be remitted now to the Bankers in Amsterdam for the use of our ministers abroad. Bills are engaged at...
The Secretary of State has the honor of inclosing to the Secretary of the Treasury the copy of Mr. Jefferson’s letter of December 16th 1793, so far as it respects the inquiry in the Secretary of the Treasury’s letter of the 16th. instant, which came to hand yesterday. LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives. This is a...
The Secretary of State has the honor to inclose to the Secretary of the Treasury a letter from T. W. Jarvis. As the subject relates to the Treasury Department, it is consigned to the disposal of its head. LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives. On January 20, 1794, Thomas William Jarvis wrote to Randolph asking him not to...
Philadelphia, February 7, 1794. Encloses “the Bond of Henry Cooper, as Consul at St. Croix.” Approves Cooper’s securities and “transmits the Bond, bearing date the 8th day of November, 1793, to be deposited in the Treasury Office.” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives. John Wilcocks, who was related to Cooper, had...
[ Philadelphia ] February 12, 1794 . Requests “original papers transmitted in a letter from Mr. Morris … in order to complete the papers from that minister called for by the Senate.” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives. See “Cabinet Meeting. Opinion on Communicating to the Senate the Dispatches of Gouverneur Morris,”...
The Secretary of State has the honor to send inclosed to the Secretary of the Treasury some Documents concerning John Cleves Symmes’s purchase, which he this moment found in a bundle marked “papers to be acted on” and which he supposes may throw some light on the subject of the lands in question. LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2-June 26, 1794, National...
I had a personal interview with Mr. Fauchet yesterday; and endeavoured to satisfy him of the difficulty, and, as I conceived, the impracticability of advancing the million of Dollars, which he requested. He described his distress, produced by the various draughts of the French Consuls, with great force, and in strong colours; and begged, that he might be permitted to state it on paper. This of...
E. Randolph has the honor of informing the Secretary of the Treasury; that he supposed that the question on Maher’s claim of a Register was to become a subject of consultation. Otherwise he would have given his opinion before this time. That opinion is, 1. That, if the possessor of the Vessel will perform the requisites of the law, the Treasury department cannot inquire into the means, by...
The Secretary of State has it in charge from the President of the United States, to request the attendance of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of War, and the Attorney General, at his Room on Monday next 11. o’Clock. The following, among other subjects, will be submitted. 1. Whether it be expedient to send, to England with the complaints of spoliation, some agent to manage them,...
The Secretary of State has the honor of inclosing for the consideration of the Secretaries of the Treasury and of War and the Attorney General of the United States, the papers in the case of the British Ship William, a prize to a French vessel of war. The Secretary of State is of opinion, that it is not proved, that she was taken within the protection of our Coasts, and therefore that she...
The President wishes your opinion, as to the step, proper to be taken, upon the inclosed address. To send to congress, what the President thinks unfit for himself, will be unkindly received; being uncivil in itself. To acknowledge the body, as such, is in every view inadmissible. So that the question seems to turn upon this; whether it be better to treat the paper with unqualiffied and silent...
E. Randolph, with compliments to Coll. Hamilton, incloses to him a letter from Mr. Hammond requesting the passport. E. R. has written to him, that by applying to Col. H. the passport will be obtained. LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives. On March 29, 1794, George Hammond, British Minister Plenipotentiary to the United...
The Secretary of State has the honor of informing the Secretary of the Treasury, that the President of the United States grants a passport to the Spanish Vessel, to which the inclosed papers relate, she being Parlamentario; and that the Spanish Commissioners are informed, that upon application to the Secretary of the Treasury, they will receive the Passport. LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the...
Philadelphia, April 18, 1794. “The contingent account of the Department of State, from the last settlement down to the 15th instant, accompanied with vouchers, having been presented to the Auditor, I must beg the favor of you to cause a warrant to issue on the Treasurer payable to George Taylor Junr. for One thousand Dollars.…” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6,...
[ Philadelphia ] April 19, 1794 . “The Secretary of State has the honor of informing the Secretary of the Treasury that the inclosed applications for passports relate to cases which have been considered by the President, Colo. H. and E. R. as proper, and are sent for the purpose of obtaining them.” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794,...
Philadelphia, April 24, 1794. “Concurring, as I do, with you, that the treaty between the United States and Sweden, exempts the Vessels of the latter from the operation of the embargo, I beg leave to suggest to you, whether it may not be expedient to give instructions to the several Collectors accordingly.” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26,...
Philadelphia, April 28, 1794. “The Secretary of State has the honor of sending to the Secretary of the Treasury the applications for … passports.” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives.
[ Philadelphia ] April 30, 1794 . “The Secretary of State has the honor of inclosing … a paragraph from a letter of Mr. Pinckney, dated January 10th 1794. It respects M. la Colombe, a french Officer, formerly in our army … and seems to lie more particularly in the department of the Secretary of the Treasury. Any answer, which may be thought adviseable the Secretary of State will forward to Mr....
Philadelphia, May 1, 1794. Encloses “the petition of certain Exiles from St. Domingo … for a passport.” States that the “request seems to be agreeable to the rule.” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives.
[ Philadelphia ] May 2, 1794 . “The Secretary of State submits to the Secretaries of the Treasury and War, whether any, and what step can be taken upon the inclosed memorial of John Leamy.” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives. Leamy was a Philadelphia merchant. His memorial has not been found.
[ Philadelphia ] May 2, 1794 . Encloses “applications … for passports to St. Domingo, they being supposed to come within the rule.” LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives. See Randolph to H, May 1, 1794 , and H to George Washington, May 1, 1794 .
I beg leave to inclose to you a letter from Mr. Hammond, of the 6th. instant, which I received this morning. The second paragraph, respecting the vessel, is the only one, which requires to be answered. The subject of this, depending on the knowledge of the facts, which can be best obtained by the Officers under the direction of your department, you will oblige me by taking it up, and after...