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    • Jefferson, Thomas
    • Knox, Henry
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    • Washington, George
    • Washington, George
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    • Hamilton, Alexander


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Author="Knox, Henry" AND Recipient="Washington, George" AND Recipient="Washington, George" AND Correspondent="Hamilton, Alexander"
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The President having required the attendance of the heads of the three departments and of the Attorney general at his house on Monday the 25th. of Feb. 1793. the following questions were proposed and answers given. 1. The Governor of Canada having refused to let us obtain provisions from that province or to pass them along the water communication to the place of treaty with the Indians, and...
Feb. 25. 1793. The President desires the opinions of the heads of the three departments and of the Attorney General on the following question, to wit. Mr. Ternant having applied for money equivalent to three millions of livres to be furnished on account of our debt to France at the request of the Executive of that country, which sum is to be laid out in provisions within the US. to be sent to...
The President communicated to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of War and the Attorney General of the United States, a letter from William S. Smith Esqr. of the 28th. of February past, to the Secretary of the Treasury, with sundry Papers No. I. II. III and IV. relating to a negotiation for changing the form of the debt to France; and required their opinion...
The President of the United States having assembled the heads of the respective departments and the attorney General, laid before them for their advice thereon, sundry communications from the Governor of Georgia, and others, relatively to the recent alarming depredations of the creek Indians upon the State of Georgia. Whereupon after the subject was maturely considered and discussed it was...
That an Agent be sent to the Choctaw nation to endeavor secretly to engage them to support the Chickasaws in their present war with the Creeks, giving them for that purpose arms and ammunition sufficient: and that it be kept in view that if we settle our differences amicably with the Creeks, we at the same time mediate effectually the peace of the Chickasaws & Choctaws, so as to rescue the...
That an Agent be sent to the Choctaw nation to endeavour secretly to engage them to support the Chickasaws in their present war with the Creeks, giving them for that purpose arms and ammunition sufficient: and that it be kept in view that if we settle our differences amicably with the Creeks, we at the same time mediate effectually the peace of the Chickasaws and Choctaws, so as to rescue the...
The President having required the opinions of the heads of the three departments on a letter from Governor Clinton of the 9th inst. stating that he had taken possession of the sloop Polly, now called the Republican, which was arming, equipping & manning by French & other citizens to cruize against some of the belligerent powers, and desiring to know what further was to be done, and they having...
June 12. 1793. The President having required the opinions of the heads of the three departments on a letter from Governor Clinton of the 9th. inst. stating that he had taken possession of the sloop Polly, now called the Republican, which was arming, equipping and manning by French and other citizens to cruize against some of the belligerent powers, and desiring to know what further was to be...
At a meeting of the heads of departments at the President’s this day, on summons from him, a letter from mister Genet of the 15th inst. addressed to the Secretary of state on the subject of the seizure of a vessel by the Govr. of New York as having been armed, equipped & manned in that port with a design to cruize on the enemies of France, was recd as also the draught of an answer prepared by...
June 17. 1793 At a meeting of the heads of departments at the President’s this day, on summons from him, a letter from Mr. Genet of the 15th. inst. addressed to the Secretary of state on the subject of the seizure of a vessel by the Govr. of New York as having been armed, equipped and manned in that port with a design to cruize on the enemies of France, was read, as also the draught of an...
At a meeting this day of the heads of departments at the President’s on summons from him, a letter from Messrs Viar & Jaudenes dated June 18. & addressed to the Secretary of state, was read: whereupon it is the opinion that a full detail of the proceedings of the U.S. with respect to the Southern Indians, & the Spaniards be prepared, and a notification as to the particular matters charged in...
June 20. 1793. At a meeting this day of the heads of departments at the President’s on summons from him, a letter from Messrs. Viar and Jaudenes dated June 18. and addressed to the Secretary of state, was read: whereupon it is the opinion that a full detail of the proceedings of the US. with respect to the Southern Indians, and the Spaniards be prepared, and a justification as to the...
At a meeting at the State house of the city of Philadelphia July 8. 1793. Present the Secretary of state, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary at War. It appears that a brigantine called the Little Sarah has been fitted out at the port of Philadelphia, with fourteen cannon, & all other equipments indicating that she is intended as a Privateer to cruise under the authority of France, &...
At a meeting at the State house of the city of Philadelphia July 8. 1793. Present the Secretary of state, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary at War. It appears that a brigantine called the Little Sarah has been fitted out at the port of Philadelphia, with fourteen cannon, and all other equipments indicating that she is intended as a Privateer to cruise under the authority of France,...
July 12. 1793. At a meeting of the heads of the departments at the President’s on summons from him, and on consideration of various representations from the Ministers Plenipotentiary of France and Great Britain on the subject of vessels arming and arriving in our ports, and of prizes it is their opinion that letters be written to the said Ministers informing them that the Executive of the US.,...
1. Do the treaties between the US. and France give to France or her citizens a right , when at war with a power with whom the US. are at peace, to fit out originally in and from the ports of the US, vessels armed for war, with or without commission? 2. If they give such a right , does it extend to all manner of armed vessels, or to particular kinds only? If the latter, to what kinds does it...
August 3. 1793 The foregoing rules having been considered by us at several meetings, and being now unanimously approved, they are submitted to the President of the United States. DS , in George Taylor, Jr.’s writing, DLC:GW ; copy (letterpress copy), DLC : Jefferson Papers; LB , DLC:GW ; Df , in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, DLC : Jefferson Papers; copy, DNA : RG 46, Third Congress, 1793–1795,...
That The Minister of the French Republic be informed that the President considers the U. States as bound pursuant to positive assurances, given in conformity to the laws of neutrality, to effectuate the restoration of, or to make compensation for, prizes which shall have been made of any of the parties at war with France subsequent to the fifth day of June last by privateers fitted out of...
That the Minister of the French Republic be informed that the President considers the UStates as bound pursuant to positive assurances, given in conformity to the laws of neutrality, to effectuate the restoration of, or to make compensation for, prizes which shall have been made of any of the parties at war with France subsequent to the fifth day of June last by privateers fitted out of their...
1. The original arming and equipping of vessels in the ports of the United States by any of the belligerent parties, for military service offensive or defensive, is deemed unlawful. 2. Equipments of merchant vessels by either of the belligerent parties in the ports of the United States, purely for the accommodation of them as such, is deemed lawful. 3. Equipments in the ports of the United...
At a meeting of the heads of departments & the Attorney general at the Secretary of state’s office Aug. 5. 1793. The case of the Swallow letter of marque at New York, desired to be sent out of our ports, as being a privateer. it is the opinion that there is no ground to make any new order on the subject. The Polly or Republican, in the hands of the Marshal at New York, on a charge of having...
At a meeting of the heads of departments and the Attorney general at the Secretary of state’s office Aug. 5. 1793. The case of the Swallow letter of marque at New York, desired to be sent out of our ports, as being a privateer. It is the opinion that there is no ground to make any order on the subject. The Polly or Republican , in the hands of the Marshal at New York, on a charge of having...
At meetings of the heads of departments & the Attorney General at the President’s on the 1st & 2d of Aug. 1793. On a review of the whole of mister Genet’s correspondence & conduct, it was unanimously agreed that a letter should be written to the Minister of the U.S. at Paris, stating the same to him, resuming the points of difference which had arisen between the government of the U.S. & mister...
At meetings of the heads of departments and the Attorney General at the President’s on the 1st. and 2d. of Aug. 1793. On a review of the whole of Mr. Genet’s correspondence and conduct, it was unanimously agreed that a letter should be written to the Minister of the US. at Paris, stating the same to him, resuming the points of difference which had arisen between the government of the US. and...
At a meeting of the Heads of departments & Attorney General at the President’s on the 31st day of Aug. 1793. A letter from mister Gore to mister Lear, dated Boston Aug. 24. was read, stating that the Roland, a privateer fitted out at Boston & furnished with a commission under the government of France, had sent a prize into that port, which being arrested by the Marshal of the district by...
At a meeting of the Heads of departments and Attorney General at the President’s on the 31st. day of Aug. 1793. A letter from Mr. Gore to Mr. Lear dated Boston Aug. 24. was read, stating that the Roland, a privateer fitted out at Boston and furnished with a commission under the government of France, had sent a prize into that port, which being arrested by the Marshal of the district by process...
At sundry meetings of the heads of departments and Attorney General from the 1st. to the 21st. of Nov. 1793. at the President’s several matters were agreed upon as stated in the following letters from the Secretary of state. To wit: Nov. 8. Circular letter to the representatives of France, Gr. Brit. Spain and the U. Netherlands, fixing provisorily the extent of our jurisdiction into the sea at...
At a meeting of the heads of departments and Atty. Genl. at the President’s on the 7th. of Dec. 1793. Mr. Genet’s letter of Dec. 3. questioning the right of requiring the address of Consular commissions to the President was read. It is the opinion that the address may be either to the US. or to the President of the US. but that one of these shoud be insisted on. A letter from James King was...