
  • Correspondent

    • Hamilton, Alexander
    • Harison, Richard


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Documents filtered by: Correspondent="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Correspondent="Harison, Richard"
Results 11-20 of 50 sorted by date (ascending)
I called on you before I left Town to mention to you the case of a seizure in which (if I recollect right) the House of Murray Mumford and Bowen are interested. It was for landing goods after sunset, without license from the Collector but with the presence & consent of an inspector . I expect an application will be made to the judge of the district, in order to a remission of the forfieture....
I request your speedy opinion on the following point. A citizen of the United States obtains under the Registring act a register for a vessel belonging to him. He afterwards goes to reside in a foreign country. Does the vessel lose the benefit of her register during such residence? The answer to this question depends essentially on the construction of the fifth section of that act. There are...
It is a Misfortune in our Legislation that particular Regulations of other Countries have been adopted without considering their Dependence upon the System to which they belong. Hence our Laws in many instances become unprovisional & Questions important in their Consequences & difficult to be resolved must necessarily arise. The fifth Section of the Registring Act is nearly copied from the...
You will find under this cover a letter of particular importance to this department, the business of which will I doubt not receive your early attention. I am, Sir,   Your Obedient servant LS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. William Lewis to Harison, March 14, 1791 ( ALS , New-York Historical Society). In this letter, Lewis, United States attorney for the District of Pennsylvania,...
I have been honored by your Letter of the 15th., and beg Leave to assure you that the Business it alludes to, & every other Subject in which the Public is interested will at all Times command the Attention of Sir   Your most obedt Servt. LC , New-York Historical Society, New York City.
The President of the United States having under consideration the petition of Samuel Dodge, an inspector of the Customs in the District of New York, I have to request that you will consent, on the part of the United States, to the suspension of the judgment in the case of the petitioner, ’till you shall be further advised. I am, sir,   Your Obedt. Servant LS , New-York Historical Society, New...
You will find in this inclosure two copies of a contract with John McComb junr, of New York, for building a light house on Cape Henry. I request the favor of your sending for Mr McComb & procuring his execution of them. It will be necessary that the inclosed bond be also executed by Mr McComb, & two competent Sureties. The Persons offered to me were Messrs Nicholas Cruger & Peter Kemble, whom...
Immediately upon the Receipt of your Letter of the 1st. Instant, I sent for Mr. McComb, and proposed his executing the Contract transmitted to me, and that a proper Surety should be substituted in the Place of Mr. Cruger. Upon the latter Subject I am informed that no Difficulties will arise, but with Respect to the Contract itself Mr. McComb alledges that a Mistake has taken Place. The first...
Mr. Abijah Hammond has informed me that he delivered to the Grand Jury, before whom was brought the case of Christopher Bancker, the certificate, on which the charge against him was founded. I wish to know the present state of that affair. I am, sir,   With great consideration,   Your Obedt Servant LS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. Hammond was a New York City merchant. According...
It may prevent future trouble if the contract with Mr. McComb for the light house be redrawn; rectifying the error in regard to his occupation. He may execute two, and they may be sent to me, when I will duly execute them and transmit one to him. The first payment I find by his own propositions was to be as in the contract three thousand dollars, and it is not well that more is asked. I am...