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    • Genet, Edmé Jacques


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Documents filtered by: Correspondent="Genet, Edmé Jacques"
Results 11-20 of 88 sorted by recipient
Your obliging Letter of the 29 is now before me. It would ill become me born and educated in the Wilderness , ignorant of the Commerce, Finances, Views and in one Word the Policy of France, to presume to advise, the Direction of her Armies. The accidental Conversation you mention was among Friends and with that Frankness which is tolerated in all Men in such kind of Companies. One Question you...
I will not fail to inform the Count Vergennes of the letter with which you have honored me. I will also write to Ostend to ask them to send, under my name, two gazettes, the most influential in each party. To my mind they are, for the Opposition, the General Advertiser , published by W. Parker—and for the Ministry, the Morning Post. These are the two that I will request and forward to you...
I have the honor to send you enclosed a London Evening Post of 6 May, but I must ask you to return it immediately. I will send you a London Courant , containing a detailed account of your reception in Spain. I learn from the gazettes that Captain Paul Jones lodges with you. It would give us great pleasure if you would bring him with you Sunday. That will be a most happy day for me and we will...
The News papers you So kindly transmit me will be carefully perus’d and will afford, I dare say, many interesting articles to my publication which has no other aim than paying to your Country the justice that is due to enlighten’d courage. I had noted in the remembrancer the letters you mention the 1st. of which begins with these words You have no doubt. To be Sure they’ll please excessively...
J’ai écrit à Ostende pour les deux gazettes en question. En attendant je continuerai à vous en prêter des miennes, toujours le plutôt qu’il Sera possible. Je Suis charmé de Savoir que mr. votre fils est de retour en bonne Santé à Passy. Quelque jour de ce printems il faut que vous me l’envoyés avec Mr Cooper’s grand child , et mr. votre autre fils. Je leur ferai voir Versailles, et je ferai en...
Nous serions bien fachés, Monsieur de ne pas avoir dimanche the young gentlemen . C’est un jour fait pour eux, puis qu’il y a une cérémonie qui ne se repete pas souvent, et j’ai pris les précautions nécessaires pour qu’ils la voyent à leur aise. Nous les attendons et nous vous Supplions de ne point tromper notre attente. Le Commodore Jones nous fera sûrement lhoneur d’accepter le break fast...
Genet has the honor to thank Mr. Adams, who must already know that the Russell , of Byron’s squadron, returned to Plymouth on the 23d, in very poor condition, after having been separated from the squadron on 8 July, at the Grand Banks, by a violent storm which must have damaged the entire squadron, but about which he cannot give any news. RC ( Adams Papers ); docketed: “Genet.” The report on...
Vous avés craint d’importuner M. le Comte de Vergennes et vous m’avés fait l’honeur de vous addresser à moi pour savoir ce que vous devès penser de differens bruits que les anglois se sont attachés à répandre. Je suis infiniment flatté de la marque de confiance que vous avés bien voulu me donner mais j’ai cru devoir mettre votre lettre sous les yeux de ministre. Il m’a chargé de vous assurer...
I have translated for his Lordship, Comte de Vergennes, the sundry articles from the New York gazette which you will find in the enclosed fragment from an English gazette of 17 October. No doubt the next Courier de l’Europe will have a translation of these various documents. As a result, France will see only one side of the question, that which the British Commissioners choose to present,...
J’ai traduit ce jour ci une lettre d’un armateur américain à Nantes, en datte du 8. août, qui se plaint que deux de ses vaisseaux lui ont étá enlevés en sortant de Pamboeuf, et demande certaines facilités pour la Courses. Il m’a été impossible de lire Sa Signature, et c’est la seconde fois que je me trouve dans cet embarras. Je l’ai figurée sur le papier ci joint, pour vous prier de vouloir...