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Documents filtered by: Correspondent="Gallatin, Albert"
Results 1161-1170 of 1,628 sorted by date (ascending)
John Cockle is indebted to U.S. for revenue bonds. His sureties in Charleston have been sued & judgment obtained. They have requested that Govt. should stop payment on Louisiana bills drawn in his favour. He has removed to New Jersey & wants us to pay his bills & to recover the money from his sureties, or rather to give up the debt on various frivolous pretexts. He has been answered in full...
It is impossible to detest, more than I do the fraudulent & injurious practice of covering foreign vessels & cargoes under the American flag: and I sincerely wish a systematic & severe course of punishment could be established. it is only as a punishment of this fraud that we could deny to the Portuguese vessel the liberty of departing. but I do not know that a solitary & accidental instance...
Mr. Elliot (whose speech I saw not till last night) has so pointedly denied our account of the battle of the Lyman sea or lake, that it would seem necessary to have published in the Nat. Intelligr. an Extract from the work from which it was taken. you were kind enough to suggest the transaction to me (for I had forgotten it) and I think you took it from the Annual Register. can you furnish me...
As the embargo amendatory act may not pass for some days, & I have received numerous letters stating gross evasions, the enclosed circular has been prepared wh. will go to-day if you approve it. You are fully authorised by the act to give such instructions as shall appear best adapted for carrying the act into effect. And that is the only substitute for penalties. The evasion to be immediately...
The enclosed application which is grounded on the power given to the President, by the embargo act, to permit vessels to sail under his immediate direction , is respectfully submitted to the President for his decision. Quere Do the words immediate direction justify special permits for private purposes? DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The propriety of complying with any particular application ought to be well considered, on account of the numerous ones wh. the Presidt. will be obliged to reject. See Donnel’s application transmitted this day. It must be however observed that in 1794 an exception was made for transporting to France the San Domingo refugees. Better perhaps to suspend this a few days. There is no urgency DLC :...
For a succinct account of the naval actions in the Liman of 19th & 28th June 1788—see Annual Register pages 71 & 72 For the official account of the Russians see Leyden Gazette vizt. for 19th June Supplement to No LXII; & for 28th June wh. is the important one Supplement to No LXVIII & No LXIX. This last action is sometime called of 28 June & sometime of 12 July, on acct. I suppose of the two...
The President is authorized to establish three ports of delivery in the district of Michillimakinac. The collector proposes St. Mary’s falls, Green bay & Chickago. I do not perceive how the establisht. of the two last could contribute to the safety of the revenue; for nothing can now reach within place without passing Michillima.; and if either was made a port of delivery, the vessels would...
I think with you that the establishment of ports of delivery at Green bay & Chickago would only furnish pretexts for not entering at Mackinac; and that a new port at the falls of St. Mary’s requiring a military post to be established there would not quit cost, nor is this a time to be multiplying small establishments. The collector should have his eye on the Schooner Friends on her return, &...
I send the 3 copies of the account of the contingent fund in the usual form, one for each house & one for yourself. The acct. only states that 8737 dollars & 11 cents were paid to the Attorney general by your direction. It will be necessary that in your letter to the houses you should state the object in general terms, vizt. in order to enable sd. attorney general to defray sundry expenses...