Benjamin Franklin Papers
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From Benjamin Franklin to Vergennes, 16 February 1779 [i.e., 17]

To Vergennes

AL: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy:6 Library of Congress

Passy 16. [i.e., 17] Feb. 1779.

Dr. Franklin presents his respectful Compliments to his Excellency Count De Vergennes, and sends him enclosed the Extract he desired.7 Dr. Franklin purposed doing himself the honor of waiting upon his Excellency this Morning, but an Access of the Gout prevents him.

Endorsed: M. de Reyneval8

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6In WTF’s hand and dated Feb. 17.

7A lengthy extract from Cooper’s first letter of Jan. 4, which bears a notation that it was enclosed with the present letter (AAE). A notation by an archivist or clerk reads, “Extrait ci joint qui lave M. le Cte. d’Estaing de toute imputation de negligence ou de lenteur.”

8Normally this would indicate that Vergennes’ undersecretary Gérard de Rayneval was given the responsibility for drafting a reply; in this case, however, Vergennes replied personally in the postscript of his letter of the same day, below.

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