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    • Fairfax, Sarah Cary
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    • Fairfax, Sarah Cary


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Five and twenty years, nearly, have passed away since I have considered myself as the permanent resident of this place; or have been in a situation to endulge myself in familiar intercourse with my friends, by letter or otherwise. During this period, so many important events have occurred, and such changes in men and things have taken place, as the compass of a letter would give you but an...
Letters which I have just receivd from the President, and others from Winchester render it necessary for me to set out for Williamsburg tomorrow—If you, or any of the young Ladies have Letters to send, or other Commands that I can execute, I shoud be glad to be honourd with them, and you may depend upon my punctuality—please to accept my Compliments yourself, & offer them to the young Ladies,...
I have lingerd under an Indisposition for more than three Months; and finding no relief above, on the contrary, that I daily grew worse, I have followd ⟨m⟩y Surgeons advice to leave the place, & try what effects ⟨f⟩resh Air and Water may have upon my disorder. On Sunday last I arrivd here, and on Yesterday Mr Green was so kind to favour me with a visit & prescribd to me. He forbids the use of...
When I had the pleasure to see you last, you expressd an Inclination a wish to be informd of my safe arrival at Camp, with the charge that was entrusted to my care; but at the same time desird requested that it might be communicated in a Letter to some body friend of your s acquaintance : This I took as a Gentle rebuke and polite manner of forbidding my corrisponding with you; and conceive...
In order to engage your corrispondance, I think it expedient, just is incumbent on me to deserve it; which I shall endeavour to do, by embracing the earliest, and every oppertunity, of writing to you. It will be needless to expatiate dwell on the pleasures that a communication corrispondence of this kind will would afford me, as it shall
The Inclosd came to my hands this moment—Colo. Carlyle desird after I had perusd the Papers, that I woud send them to you—but as he did at the same time inform me that his Letter coverd one from Colo. Fairfax (on whose safe arrival we offer our Congratulations) I have not delayd a moment in forwarding them —When you are at leizure to favour us with a visit we shall endeavour to partake as much...
I have, at last, with great pains and difficulty, discover’d the Reason why Mrs Wardrope is a greater favourite of with Genl Braddock’ s than Mrs Fairfax; and met with more respect at the late review, in Alexandria. The cause I shall communicate, after rallying you for neglecting the means that introduced her to his favour which, to say truth was, in part means which produced the effect—and...
Yesterday I was honourd with your short, but very agreable favour of the first Instt. how joyfully I catch at the happy occasion of renewing a Corrispondance which I feard was disrelishd on your part, I leave to time, that never failing Expositor of All things.—and to a Monitor equally as faithful in my own Breast, to Testifie. In silence I now express my Joy.—Silence which in some cases—I...
John informs me that you told him Miss Nancy West was to be at your House in a day or two; and that you woud, if I sent my Linnen over, give it to Miss Nancy to make: I shall readily embrace the oppertunity of doing this, thô I am at the same time, sorry to give you the trouble of directing about the making. I have sent a piece of Irish Linnen, a piece of Cambrick, and a Shirt to measure by....
Do we still misunderstand the true meaning of each others Letters? I think it must appear so, thô I woud feign hope the contrary as I cannot speak plainer without—but I’ll say no more, and leave you to guess the rest. I am now furnishd with News of a very Interesting nature, I know it will affect you but as you must hear it from others I will relate it myself. The 12th past then Major Grant...