George Washington Papers
Documents filtered by: Author="Duportail, Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle" AND Correspondent="Duportail, Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle" AND Correspondent="Washington, George"
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To George Washington from Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle Duportail, 22 August 1781

philadelpha 22 August 1781

Dear general

I arrived here the day before yesterday in a very bad situation with a great head-hoax and tooth-hoax and fever. I was afraid to be detained a long while in this town. but I treated the distemper in so rough a manner yesterday with bloodletting, emetick, [   ] that it left me. so I propose to set off to day after dinner and to travel as fast as I shall be able or rather the horses. unless something important occurs in the journey I shall not write to your excellency before I meet the marquis de lafayette. I am in great impatiance of that moment. I have the honour to be with the greatest respect and attachment your excellency the most obedient humbl. servant


DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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