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    • Carroll, Daniel


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Documents filtered by: Correspondent="Carroll, Daniel"
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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1 Carroll, Daniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Carroll, 28 March 1802 1802-03-28 Since you did me the honor the other day to mention the subject of the Canal from the falls of...
2 Carroll, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 21 October 1791 1791-10-21 The last Mail carry’d you a few lines from me. By this you will receive the particulars of the...
3 Carroll, Daniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Carroll, 1 February … 1793-02-01 Your favor of the 15th Ulto. with the plat of the Territory of Columbia reachd this as I am...
4 Carroll, Daniel Washington, George To George Washington from Daniel Carroll, 13 January … 1795-01-13 Your favor of the 7th Instant, affords me an opportunity of mentioning, that the Commissioners...
5 Carroll, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 24 July 1791 1791-07-24 Yr. favor from N. York gave me pleasure, as every token of yr. remembrance of me allways will....
6 Carroll, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 29 November 1791 1791-11-29 I wrote to you a few lines by yesterdays post. The affair of Mr Carrolls House gives us...
7 Carroll, Daniel Washington, George To George Washington from Daniel Carroll, 19 February … 1795-02-19 In consequence of the great attention requird, by the Trust reposd in me, & my precarious State...
8 Carroll, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 28 April 1788 1788-04-28 Yr. favor from G Town came to hand, likewise yrs. of the 10th. Instant I receiv’d a few days...
9 Carroll, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 23 April 1791 1791-04-23 Yr. favor of the 10th Instant came to hand. The Commissioners were then met to take deeds from...
10 Carroll, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 7 February 1792 1792-02-07 Mr Johnson wrote to me the 31st Ulto. that he shoud set out for Pha the day following—it was with...