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Timothy Bloodworth Presents his Compliments to the Vice President of the United States, & begs leave to acquaint him, that if it should be Necessary to send express to the Vice President Elect, his son Samuel Bloodworth will Chearfully perform the service, provided the respectibility of the personage, shall be considered competant to the service, if otherways, permit the freedom of the offer...
Some time past, I took the liberty to Mention a Gentleman, who I considered quallifyed to fill the office of a Judge, for the Southern District. should a Minute inquiry into the relative Circumstances, induce the President (from prudential Motives) to withold the Nomination, shall deem it a favour, to be endulg’d in Mentioning Mr: William H: Hill, a Gentleman of Respectabilty, who has practisd...
The Act pass’d this sessions, for the revisal of the Judicial sistem, will require the appointment of a Judge for the State of No Carolina, permit me, with resepectfull submission, to recommend Mr Samuel Johnston, as a Gentleman suitably quallified to fill that Station. his Charrecter is so wel established as a Lawyer, that any observations on that subject, would be superfluouse. I beg leave...
I thank you for the seed of the fly trap. it is the first I have ever been able to obtain, and shall take great care of it. I am well-pleased to hear of the progress of republicanism with you. to do without a land tax, excise, stamp tax & the other internal taxes, to supply their place by economies, so as still to support the government properly & to apply 7,300,000 D. a year steadily to the...
Your letters of Nov. 30. & Dec. 14. have been duly recieved. commissions under the bankrupt act, in conformity with the former, were immediately issued. mr West having chosen to be continued as Marshal, his commission was renewed. I feel with great sensibility the friendly expressions in your letter, and the sentiments of approbation as to the conduct of our affairs for their wisdom it would...
Permit me to acquaint You of the Death, of Mr; Griffith John McRee, Collecter of the Port of Wilmington, who departed on the 3d Instant. by this Circumstance the office becomes Vacant. at the request of Mr John Pue Williams, I mention his desire to fill the Vacancy. Also my son Samuel Bloodworth, who is in the 27th Year of his Age, Active in Business, & has the hand of a ready writer. at this...
Will you be pleasd to indulge me with the freedom of a friendly Address. the Circumstance that gives rise to this request, I hope will in som Measure Apolegise for the liberty I have taken, to divert Youre attention from the great National concearns that occupy Youre Minde, in the period of the Sessions. it has been my constant, & Unremitted endeavours, to reconcile Youre inviterate Enemies to...
Enclos’d is a few of the seeds of the Venus fly Trap , which som time past I remember to hear You express a desire to obtain. will You pleas to Indulge me with a few observations on the state of Pollitics in this place, which in times past has been the seat of Federalism. in my last Address I mentioned the Change that was likely to take place, the Justness of this opinion has been verifyed by...
I am Solicited by the Freinds of Mr George Gibbs of New York, formerly of this Town, to mention to the President the Charecter of that Gentleman, who I am inform’d has Made Application for the appointment of Navy Agent . In compliance with their request, I beg leav to observe, that Mr Gibbs has during the Course of his Life supported the Charecter of an Honest Man, Much Esteem’d in this place,...
Pardon the freedom of the appelation, which proceeds from the sincearity of my Heart. to me as an Individual, You are certainly Dear; but to Your Country eminently so. when I reflect on the precipice to which we were expos’d, & observe the Change that has already taken place by the Measures of Your Administration, my very Soul exults in the pleasing prospects of a Republican Government, once...