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John Adams to Cotton Tufts, 1 January 1800

John Adams to Cotton Tufts

Phyladelphia January 1. 1800

Dr sir

I congratulate you on the new Year and the new Century. Aspice venturo lætentur ut Omnia Sæclo.1

You may take Pennimans Island and Acre of Marsh at 27£ or perhaps at 30£ though fifteen is more than it is worth. The Island is mere Show. it lies however within me; and some one will Speculate upon me if I buy it not.

Candlewood Hill is an unknown Country to me. I never heard the Name. But I Suppose it is one of the rising Hills between Penns hill and the great blue hill.— I presume you paid Deacon French for my part of the Wall. It is a good Work and am glad my part is paid.

I thank you for your political reflections and your account of my litle private concerns in the agricultural Way.2

on the subject of your Spring Election for Governor I can say nothing tho I might say a good deal.

I am Dr sir

John Adams

RC (IaHi:Charles Aldrich Autograph Coll.); internal address: “Dr Tufts”; endorsed: “Presidents Letter / Jany: 1. 1800.”

1“Behold, how all things exult in the age that is at hand” (Virgil, Eclogues, transl. H. Rushton Fairclough, London, 1930, Book IV, line 52).

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