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    • Adams, John


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Documents filtered by: Correspondent="Adams, John"
Results 8341-8370 of 19,048 sorted by date (ascending)
Your favour without a Date, just now received and Mr. Jeffersons Arrival, a Month sooner than he...
I have the Pleasure of yours of July 30. and advise you to purchase the Coach and prepare every...
I am fav d. with your letter of the 19 th. of last Month, and am Extremely glad to find your...
I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency a Copy of the Communication made by my...
8345[August 1784] (Adams Papers)
Sett off, for London, had a tedious Passage from Helvoet, of near two days. Obliged to put in at...
83461784. August. 3. (Adams Papers)
1784. August. 3.
I have accepted two Bills drawn by my Wife to be paid at the House of Mess rs Willinks and Shall...
8348Aug. 4. (Adams Papers)
Sett off, for London, had a tedious Passage from Helvoet, of near two days. Obliged to put in at...
We have not received as yet any answer to the letters we wrote you the day I arrived in town; and...
M r Bingham sent me last Night from Paris, your Excellency’s Letter of the 27th past, inclosing a...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society Mr Bingham sent me last Night from Paris, your...
8352Aug. 7. (Adams Papers)
Arrived at the Adelphi Buildings and met my Wife and Daughter after a seperation of four Years...
I received your letter by M r. Bingham and heartily Congratulate you on the happy arrival in...
We receive this morning of M r. Lotter the honour of your esteemed favour of 3 d. aug. with the...
After a long Interval, I had Yesterday the great Happiness of receiving your esteemed Favour of...
Your favor of the 6 th of April found me here two days ago, waiting for the necessary...
8357Aug. 13. (Adams Papers)
Arrived at Paris, at the Hotel de York on the . In the present entry and the next, the blank...
I have just received your Favor of the 7 th of May last; am oblidged to you for the Intelligence...
8359Aug. 17. (Adams Papers)
Removed to Auteuil the at the House of the Comte de Rouault, opposite the Conduit. The House, the...
I wish well enough to the University of New York, to give you every Letter of Recommendation to...
I had a tedious Passage of two Days from Helvoet and was at last obliged to Land at Leostoff a...
I am at length, Sit down once more to Business, at Auteuil, a Village near Paris, where I have...
I received with great Pleasure your friendly Letter of the 16. of June by my dear M rs: Adams,...
I received your Letter of the Third of April, Two Days since. Whether from the very great...
I have rec d your Favour of the Second of June by M r Tracy. as I Stopped in London only a few...
I received yours of the 29 of June, by M r Jefferson, whose appointment gives me great Pleasure....
£ s d Auteuil Sept. 10. 1784. Drew an order on M.M. Van den Yvers in favour of my son J.Q.A. for...
By the honour of your Excellencies favour we observe, that our letter, of wh ch. we annex the...
La besogne que vous trouverez, ci-joint, c’est à dire la copie & traduction d’une Résolution...
I am here, happily Settled with my Family and I feel more at home, than I have ever done in...