Benjamin Franklin Papers
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To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 24 November 1782

From Jonathan Williams, Jr.

ALS: American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library

Nantes 24. 9bre. 1782.

Dear & hond Sir.

Since writing you about the Prisoners on Parole and others who wanted their Parole,2 I am informed by the Officer of the Garrison here that if I will add these Prisonners to those now in Rochelle a Cartel may be immediately procured to send them off together, specifying the Distinctions of the Flags under which they were taken & carried account to each Nation accordingly.— As this will save much Expence & Time, & relieve a number of poor Fellows the keeping of whom is of no use, I beg you will give me authority to conform, and I will take Care to have the proper Returns made of Rank Quality &ca. The Paroles I asked your permission for I will take as proper but the common men will go in Accot with the Board of Sick & hurt as is usual.

As I shall be obliged very soon to be in L’Orient, so request as early an Answer as possible, more especialy as there are Ladies in the Question & I know you are as little inclined as myself to make them suffer the Delays & Hardships incident to War.

I am with the highest Respect Your dutifull & affectionate

Jona Williams J

I have spoken to Mr Dobré & he told me you had written to send these people to Morlaix,3 but as there is no Cartel there & as the present proposed mode will save both Time & Expence we shall wait your answer.

I find since writing that the Ladies and some of the officers wish to go home by Paris, these I shall take Paroles from as far as passy & then leave them to your future Disposal. JWJ

Doctor Franklin.

Notation: Jona. Williams Nantes 24: 9bre 1782

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2In his letter of Nov. 21, above.

3BF had sent such directions to Dobrée’s late partner Jean-Daniel Schweighauser in 1781 (XXXV, 253), but we have no record of more recent instructions.

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