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    • Wayne, Anthony
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Documents filtered by: Author="Wayne, Anthony" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 11-40 of 129 sorted by recipient
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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
11 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-12-09 I have this moment recd the Inclosed—it has been unaccountably delayed—but so nearly Corroborates...
12 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-10-13 In Obedience to your Orders of the Instant I directed Colonels Putnam & Butler to Reconnoitre the...
13 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1781-01-04 Your own anxiety & distress of mind, is the best Criterion to judge of ours by—the Inclosed copy...
14 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1777-11-19 The Light Infantry who were Encamped on the Right between third & fourth Street have Struck their...
15 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-07-16 The fort & Garrison with Colo. Johnston are ours—Our Officers & men behaved like men who are...
16 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1777-12-01 The procuring good and easy Winter Quarters for the Troops under your Excellencies Command—and...
17 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-11-19 I send you a Sacradotal Villain who came from new York the day before yesterday he effects a...
18 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George IV. Brigadier General Anthony Wayne’s Opinion, 7 August … 1777-08-07 Genl Wayne’s Opinion of the Defences necessary for the River and Land in case the Enemy should...
19 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-09-28 I have in Company with Sevl field officers reconnoitred the Ground in the vicinity of Haverstraw...
20 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Anthony Wayne, 20 Sept. 1779 … 1779-09-20 Letter not found : from Anthony Wayne, 20 Sept. 1779. On 21 Sept., GW wrote Wayne: “Your letter...
21 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-10-05 The moment I recd your favor of the 3rd Instant which was not u[n]til 11 OClock yesterday—I...
22 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1777-09-02 I took the liberty some days since to Suggest the Selecting 2′500 or 3′000 of our best Armed and...
23 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-10-09 Enclosed is a plan of the Enemies works at Stoney point—taken by Colo. Putnam with the points of...
24 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-07-04 I took the Liberty to mention to your Excellency the difficulty that the Light Corps experience...
25 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1777-09-19 On the Enemies Beating the Revellee I ordered the Troops under Arms and began our March for their...
26 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1781-02-27 I was honored with your favor of the 3rd Instant and experience much happiness in your...
27 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1780-05-11 many Gentlemen in this place affect to be very Sanguine in the Defence of Charles town, & remain...
28 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1780-09-03 When I was first informed of the discontent that pervaded the whole of the Field Officers of the...
29 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1777-10-04 After we left the field of Battle the Troops, who took the Upper Rout were formed at White...
30 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1780-07-22 In pursuance of the plan which your Excellency was pleased to adopt —the first & Second Pennsa...
31 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-09-24 I intended to do myself the honor of waiting on you this morning, but my foot being a little...
32 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Anthony Wayne, 14 May … 1776-05-14 In Obedience to your Excellencies Commands I have waited on the Genl and find Sufficient of Arms...
33 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1778-03-14 I am this Moment favoured with yours of the 12th Instant but wish it was not so urgent, as I am...
34 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1778-06-24 The purport of the Questions Offered by your Excellency this morning to the Consideration of the...
35 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-02-10 I did myself the Honor of writing to you the 20th ultimo mentioning that I was necessitated to be...
36 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-10-14 The appearance of the number of Vessels in Haverstraw Bay was a little exaggerated —there is not...
37 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-10-19 I was honored with your favor of the 17th last Evening & had a Similar acct out from Stoney Point...
38 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1780-07-18 In obedience to your Excellency’s Orders I proceeded with Mr Erskine to reconnoitre the Landing...
39 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1779-10-22 I recd your two favors of the 21st by Doctr Johnston—& the express—the first at 4. in the...
40 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1778-02-25 I landed in New Jersey the 19th and proceeded to salem the same Evening—the next Morning I sent...