George Washington Papers
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From George Washington to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 27 June 1796

To Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Mount Vernon 27th June 1796

Dear Sir,

I have taken the liberty of putting two letters under cover to you; the one to Colo. Hamilton (in answer to that you forwarded to me) I pray you to put it under your cover, and send it on by the Post.1 The other for Mr Kitt (my household Steward) I leave open for your perusal, to save a repet[it]ion of the same sentiments, with respect to the money and Wine.2 With sincere esteem and regd I remain Your Affecte Servant

Go: Washington

ALS, NHC. A corresponding docket, indicating that the letter was received on 30 June, is at NN: Wolcott Papers. Wolcott replied to GW on 1 July.

1GW’s letter to Alexander Hamilton of 26 June replied to Hamilton’s letter to GW, c.16 June.

2The letter to Frederick Kitt, presumably from GW, has not been found.

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