George Washington Papers
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From George Washington to Major General Charles Lee, 27 November 1776

To Major General Charles Lee

New Ark Novr the 27th 1776

Dear Sir

I last night received the favor of your Letter of the 25th.1 My former Letters were so full and explicit as to the necessity of your marching as early2 as possible, that it is unnecessary to add more on that Head. I confess I expected you would have been sooner3 in motion. The force here when joined by yours, will not be adequate to any great opposition, at present it is weak,4 and it has been more owing to the badness of the weather that the Enemys progress has been checked,5 than any resistance we could make. They are now pushing this way—part of ’em have passed the Posaic. Their Plan is not entirely unfolded, but I shall not be surprized if Philadelphia should turn out the Object of their movement. The distress of the Troops for want of Cloaths, I feel much, but what can I do?6 Having formed an enterprize against Roger’s &c. I wish you may have succeeded. I am Dr Sir with great esteem Yr Most Obedt St.

Df, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1The content of this letter suggests that GW is replying to Lee’s letter to him of 24 November. No letter from Lee to GW of 25 Nov. has been found.

2On the manuscript of the draft, Harrison first wrote “soon.” He then struck out that word and wrote “early” above the line.

3On the draft manuscript, the word “much” was written and then struck out before “sooner.”

4On the draft manuscript, the word “extremely” was written and then struck out before “weak.”

5On the draft manuscript, Harrison first wrote “by which their progress” and then changed the wording to read as it does here.

6The following sentence is struck out here on the draft manuscript: “Their situation must be well known.”

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