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    • Washington, George
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    • Jefferson, Thomas
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    • Washington Presidency

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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George" AND Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Period="Washington Presidency"
Results 61-90 of 330 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
61 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 28 December … 1793-12-28 I have received with vexation the enclosure you have just sent me from the French Minister: and...
62 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 24 February … 1793-02-24 Enclosed is a letter from poor Madam La Fayette! How desirable it would be, if something could be...
63 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 1 November … 1792-11-01 The enclosed places matters on their true rounds; and in my opinion on a proper footing. ALS ,...
64 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 18 July … 1793-07-18 The Chief Justice and Judge Paterson are in Town. The former called upon me yesterday evening to...
65 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 4 June 1793 1793-06-04 The President returns to the Secretary of State Mr. Pinckney’s letter enclosing Mr. Holloways...
66 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas II. The President to the Secretary of State, 2 January … 1791-01-02 The enclosed Notes are sufficiently descriptive to comprehend the two objects fully; but it is...
67 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 2 January … 1791-01-02 The enclosed Notes are sufficiently descriptive to comprehend the two objects fully; but it is...
68 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 9 July 1792 1792-07-09 Pray draught a proper answer to the enclosed , approving of what the Director of the Mint has...
69 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 27 … 1793-09-27 The enclosed Letter and Memorial came to my hands yesterday, to which I returned an answer of...
70 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March … 1792-03-10 I was informed last Night by Mr Izard that a Comee of three, of which he was one, were to be with...
71 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 12 February … 1793-02-12 Taking it for granted that the several matters enumerated in the Report, herewith returned, are...
72 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March … 1791-03-06 The P. would thank Mr Jefferson for placing all, or such of the enclosed Papers (after he has...
73 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 25 July … 1793-07-25 A letter from Colo. S. Smith (of Baltimore) to the Secretary of the Treasury, giving information...
74 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 21 March … 1792-03-21 To morrow I shall be engaged all day—but will, in the course of it, fix a time to view the Big...
75 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 2 March … 1792-03-02 Be so good as to examine the enclosed draught of a letter to Genl St Clair, and make such...
76 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, [14 March … 1792-03-14 The P—— put Mr. J——n’s suggestions, respecting the Post Office, into the hands of the Postmaster...
77 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 28 April … 1792-04-28 In strict confidence the President of the U.S. sends the enclosed letter for the perusal of the...
78 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 9 March … 1793-03-09 The enclosed from Messrs. Johnson and Carroll have this instant come to hand. Along with them you...
79 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 5 April … 1793-04-05 Your Letter of the 1st instant, came to my hands yesterday. I regret the indisposition of General...
80 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 4 June 1793 1793-06-04 If you see any objections to the propositions contained in the enclosed pray furnish me with them...
81 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, [1 April … 1792-04-01 The enclosed are sent for Mr. Jeffersons perusal. The letter from Mr. Knox the P—— thinks was...
82 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 23 June … 1793-06-23 If you should have leizure between this and my return, to furnish me with your thoughts on Mr...
83 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 14 August … 1793-08-14 The President wishes the Heads of the Departments to meet at his house tomorrow at ten o’clock....
84 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 13 June … 1793-06-13 The President sends to the Secretary of State the Counterpart of An Agreement with the Bank of...
85 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 8 May 1791 1791-05-08 The round of business and of ceremony, which now engages my attention, only allows me leisure to...
86 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, with … 1793-03-15 The President approves of the enclosed draft of a letter to Mr. Morris—and wishes to know if...
87 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 26 February … 1792-02-26 The P—— returns the enclosed Report to Mr J—— Boundary, and the Navigation of the Missisipi are...
88 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 26 July … 1793-07-26 The President returns to the Secretary of State the Letter from Peter Le Maigre, complaining of a...
89 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 4 April … 1792-04-04 Am I right in understanding, as the result of the Conversation you had with Mr White, that it was...
90 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 26 June … 1791-06-26 The last post brought me your letter of the 20th instant, and the duplicates of your letters,...