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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George" AND Period="Revolutionary War"
Results 2401-2450 of 13,769 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2401 Washington, George Seely, Silvanus From George Washington to Silvanus Seely, 25 August … 1781-08-25 On the 27th Instant you will commence Your March from Dobb’s Ferry—with your Troops—on the Road...
2402 Washington, George Van Cortlandt, Philip From George Washington to Philip Van Cortlandt, 25 … 1781-08-25 You will take charge of the Clothing, the Boats, Intrenching Tools, and such other Stores as...
2403 Washington, George Greene, William From George Washington to William Greene, 22 August … 1781-08-22 The failure of the necessary Aids requested from the several States, together with some other...
2404 Washington, George General Orders, 24 August 1781 1781-08-24 A Subaltern from Colonel Van Schaicks regiment will join the Light Infantry under Colonel...
2405 Washington, George Dayton, Elias From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 24 August 1781 1781-08-24 Be so good as to use your best endeavours to obtain intelligence from York and Staten Island,...
2406 Washington, George Forman, David From George Washington to David Forman, 24 August 1781 1781-08-24 I have recd yours of yesterday—There is nothing in Count de Grasse having arrived at New port. I...
2407 Washington, George Grasse-Tilly, François-Joseph-Paul, comte de From George Washington to François-Joseph-Paul, comte … 1781-08-24 I take the earliest Opportunity to inform your Excellency—that by a Letter which the Count de...
2408 Washington, George Hammond, Abijah From George Washington to Abijah Hammond, 24 August … 1781-08-24 Congress have been pleased to refer to me a petition from you to them for liberty to go a voyage...
2409 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 24 August 1781 1781-08-24 You will please to furnish the Teams required by the Qr Mr General without a moments delay—These...
2410 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 24 August 1781 1781-08-24 Colo. Pickering is in want of Three Travelling Forges to compleat the number for the Troops on...
2411 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From George Washington to … 1781-08-24 I have sent Major Gibbs to join your Corps in the room of Major Galvan, as you are so well...
2412 Washington, George Lincoln, Benjamin From George Washington to Benjamin Lincoln, 24 August … 1781-08-24 The detachment under your command is to march to Springfield in New Jersey by two Routes. The...
2413 Washington, George Loring, Jotham From George Washington to Jotham Loring, 24 August 1781 1781-08-24 Your Letter of the 15th instt is received—As the Matter of a second Trial requested by you, was...
2414 Washington, George Morris, Robert From George Washington to Robert Morris, 24 August 1781 1781-08-24 Immediately after you left Camp, I applied to Mr Tarlé the French Intendant and requested to know...
2415 Washington, George Smallwood, William From George Washington to William Smallwood, 24 August … 1781-08-24 I have duly received your favor of the 9th Inst. together with the enclosure from the Marquis de...
2416 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 August 1781] 1781-08-22 22d. 23d. 24th. & 25th. Employed in transporting the French Army, its baggage & Stores over the...
2417 Washington, George General Orders, 22 August 1781 1781-08-22 That part of the Orders of the 19th of June last which relates to the Transportation of Baggage...
2418 Washington, George Washington, George From George Washington to George Washington, 22 August … 1781-08-22 Questions proposed by His Excellency Count Rochambeau. the 22d Augt 1781 at King’s Ferry 1st Is...
2419 Washington, George St. Clair, Arthur From George Washington to Arthur St. Clair, 22 August … 1781-08-22 I have to request you immediately to assemble all the Recruits in the State of Pennsilvania at...
2420 Washington, George Tarlé, Benoît-Joseph de From George Washington to Benoît-Joseph de Tarlé, 22 … 1781-08-22 You will oblige me by letting me know the Quantity of Flour which you propose to deliver to my...
2421 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 August 1781] 1781-08-21 21st. In the course of this day the whole of the American Troop, all their baggage, artillery &...
2422 Washington, George General Orders, 21 August 1781 1781-08-21 DLC : Papers of George Washington.
2423 Washington, George Weare, Meshech From George Washington to Meshech Weare, 21 August 1781 1781-08-21 I feel myself unhappy in being obliged to inform you, that the Circumstances in which I find...
2424 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From George Washington to … 1781-08-21 Agreable to my Intentions communicated to you the 15th Instant—The Troops destined for the...
2425 Washington, George Peters, Richard From George Washington to Richard Peters, 21 August … 1781-08-21 I have devoted the first moment of my time which I could command (while the Troops are halted for...
2426 Washington, George Arbuthnot, Marriot From George Washington to Marriot Arbuthnot, 21 August … 1781-08-21 The almost daily complaints of the severities exercised towards the American Marine prisoners in...
2427 Washington, George Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur … From George Washington to Jean-Baptiste Donatien de … 1781-08-21 I have this Moment the Honor of your Letter ⅌ Monsr Blanchard—I am very sorry for the Difficultys...
2428 Washington, George Seely, Silvanus From George Washington to Silvanus Seely, 21 August … 1781-08-21 I shall not be able to reach Springfield, with the Army, as soon as I expected—for which Reason I...
2429 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 August 1781] 1781-08-20 20th. The head of the Americans arrived at Kings ferry about ten O’clock & immediately began to...
2430 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 August 1781] 1781-08-19 19th. The want of Horses, or bad condition of them in the French army delayed the March till this...
2431 Washington, George General Orders, 19 August 1781 1781-08-19 For the day tomorrow Major General Lord Stirling Colonel Putnam For Picquet Major Woodbridge...
2432 Washington, George Dayton, Elias From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 19 August 1781 1781-08-19 You will march immediately with the Jersey Line and Hazens Regt to the Heights between Chatham...
2433 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 19 August 1781 1781-08-19 You are to take the Command of all the Troops remaining in this Department—consisting of the Two...
2434 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander From George Washington to Alexander McDougall, 19 … 1781-08-19 Circumstances have rendered it necessary to change our plan of operations—and I am going myself...
2435 Washington, George General Orders, 18 August 1781 1781-08-18 For the day tomorrow Major General Heath Colonel Greaton For Picquet Major Maxwell Inspector...
2436 Washington, George Barras, Paul-François-Jean-Nicolas, comte de From George Washington to Paul-François-Jean-Nicolas … 1781-08-18 I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 14th—Inclosed is the Copy of the latest...
2437 Washington, George Dayton, Elias From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 18 August 1781 1781-08-18 You will be pleased to give the Officer commanding the Artillery upon the West side of the River...
2438 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander From George Washington to Alexander McDougall, 18 … 1781-08-18 I am much disappointed in not having the Boats sent from Wapping Creek to Kings Ferry, as...
2439 Washington, George McKean, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas McKean, 18 August 1781 1781-08-18 Congress having, in their late Regulations respecting promotion, pointed out certain districts in...
2440 Washington, George McKean, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas McKean, 18 August 1781 1781-08-18 Agreeable to an order of Congress of the 10th of May last, I appointed a Board of Officers to...
2441 Washington, George Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur … From George Washington to Jean-Baptiste Donatien de … 1781-08-18 Before Mr Morris left Camp he made a proposal which he desired might be communicated to your...
2442 Washington, George General Orders, 17 August 1781 1781-08-17 For the day tomorrow Brigadier General Huntington Lieutenant Colonel Fernald For Picquet Major...
2443 Washington, George Dayton, Elias From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 17 August 1781 1781-08-17 You will be pleased to detach from the Brigade under your command upon the receipt of this, a...
2444 Washington, George Forman, David From George Washington to David Forman, 17 August 1781 1781-08-17 About two hours since, I received your favor of the 16th. The Accounts from New York, respecting...
2445 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From George Washington to … 1781-08-17 I have been favour’d with yours of the 31st ulto and 6th inst. and as General du Portail will...
2446 Washington, George McKean, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas McKean, 17 August 1781 1781-08-17 I have received, and do sincerely thank you, for the several articles of important intelligence...
2447 Washington, George Morris, Robert From George Washington to Robert Morris, 17 August 1781 1781-08-17 I have in confidence imparted to you the alteration of our late plan and made you acquainted with...
2448 Washington, George Grasse-Tilly, François-Joseph-Paul, comte de From George Washington to François-Joseph-Paul, comte … 1781-08-17 In consequence of the dispatches received from your Excellency by the Frigate La Concorde it has...
2449 Washington, George Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur … From George Washington to Jean-Baptiste Donatien de … 1781-08-17 Upon a full consideration of all circumstances I am of opinion, that the march of the French Army...
2450 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 August 1781] 1781-08-16 16th. Letters from the Marqs. de la Fayette & others, inform that Lord Cornwallis with the Troops...