George Washington Papers
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[Diary entry: 16 October 1797]

16. Clear & moderate with but little Wind—Mer. 55. Mr. Macdonald & Mr. Rich went away after breakfast. Mrs. Nichols & Mr. Nichols & wife & Doctr. Stuart came to Din. The 3 first returnd after it.

Mr. Nichols and his wife are probably James Bruce and Mary Nichols of Fairfax County. Nichols may be the J. B. Nickolls who advertised in the Alexandria newspaper in 1797 as a broker “for the purchase of real and personal Estate, (negroes excepted) and procuring money on loan, &c.” (Columbian Mirror [Alexandria], 8 June 1797). The Nichols family lived on land adjoining Thomson Mason’s Hollin Hall farm (Fairfax Index description begins Edith Moore Sprouse, ed. A Surname and Subject Index of the Minute and Order Books of the County Court, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1749–1800. Fairfax County History Commission. Fairfax, Va., 1976. description ends , 53).

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