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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George"
Results 13761-13810 of 31,730 sorted by date (descending)
As we may every moment expect the arrival of the French Fleet, a revival of the correspondence...
I beg leave to suggest to Your Excellency that it is a matter of great importance for me to be...
13763General Orders, 10 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Ogden[,] Major Torrey[,] Brigade Major Church The 3d...
I have been favd with yours of the 3d 4th and 7th—Upon your representation, and that of Mr...
You will herewith recive Dispatches for His Excellency the Count de Rochambaut, and the Chevalier...
I have received your several favors of the 2d 3d and 13th of June. I am much obliged to you for...
I have, with great pleasure, seen the very laudable association of the Merchants of Philadelphia,...
I now beg leave to inform Congress that since my Letter of the 4th, I have attended to their...
It is more than probable that we shall, in the course of our expected cooperation with our...
I have recd yours of the 22d 28th and 29th [of] last month —the intelligence contained in the two...
13771General Orders, 9 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Shreve[,] Major Thayer[,] Brigade Major Van Laër A...
You will be pleased to furnish the Bearer Mr Abraham Marlin with two Whale Boats well armed, for...
13773General Orders, 8 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Humpton[,] Lieutenant Colonel Conway[,] Brigade Major...
Inclosed is a letter from Brgr Gen. Knox on the subject of an instant provision of shot and...
13775General Orders, 7 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Chambers[,] Lieutenant Colonel Mentges[,] Brigade...
I have to request that You will be so obliging as to inform me by the earliest opportunity, at...
I recd your favr of the 3d with the Returns, to which it refers, inclosed. Colo. Gouvion—anxious...
I am pleased to hear by yours of the 4th that the State of Connecticut have directed one thousand...
I am informed there are two Regiments of State Troops, amounting to six hundred men posted at...
Your Letters of the 26th of March, & fourth of last Month came safe to hand. With respect to the...
Your letter of the 10th of March came safe, but was rather long on its passage. I have also...
13782General Orders, 6 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Hazen[,] Lieutenant Colonel Hay—Brigade Major Church...
As we may now expect that Levies will be coming in from the States in a little time —and we shall...
I have the honor by this morning’s Post, to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s...
13785General Orders, 5 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Irvine[,] Lieutenant Colonel North[,] Brigade...
I have the honor to transmit You the arrangements of Jackson’s—Webbs & Moylans Regiments—and also...
In Your Excellency’s absence from New York, I had the honor on the 2d of June to address a Letter...
I have been favd with yours of the 20th and 30th ulto. The Ammunition—The Cannon belonging to the...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 4, 1780 . Asks Board to comply with Brigadier General Henry...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 4, 1780 . States that “legislature of Pennsylvania has vested...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] July 4, 1780 . Requests powder for Army. Explains importance of...
13792General Orders, 4 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Hand[,] Lieutenant Colonel Olney[,] Brigade...
I have the Honor to transmit You such papers and Resolutions in my possession as respect the...
Brigadier General Knox, at my direction, has made out an estimate of military stores wanted for...
I have duly received your favors of the 18th March—24th April and 13th and 30th of May. It is...
I have recd your favs. of the 27th and 30th ulto and that of the 3d instant covering a letter...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. William Maxwell, 4 July 1780. Maxwell wrote GW on 4 July: “I have...
Motives of friendship, not less than of public good, induce me with freedom to give you my...
13799General Orders, 3 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Lieutenant Colonel Smith[,] Brigade...
I have been informed, that the State of Connecticut have in possession a very considerable...
Headquarters [ Preakness, New Jersey ] July 2, 1780 . “I wish to see you here the day after...
13802General Orders, 2 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Maxwell[,] Lieutenant Colonel Commandant...
It is my wish to see You here as soon as possible—and I entreat that You will come without a...
Be pleased to send immediately to Mr Hunt, who was employed last year as a Pilot for the sound,...
13805General Orders, 1 July 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Majors——Edwards[,] T. L. Moore[,] Brigade Major Church Those...
By His Excellency George Washington Esqr. General & Commander in Chief of the Forces of the...
Ramapo [ New Jersey ] June 30, 1780 . Asks Dennis to come to Headquarters. Df , in writing of H,...
Ramapo [ New Jersey ] June 30, 1780 . Is sending Brigadier General John Stark to “collect and...
Headquarters, Ramapo, New Jersey, June 30, 1780. Returns “the Proof Sheet of the Proclamation …...
13810General Orders, 30 June 1780 (Washington Papers)
Major Forest is appointed officer of the day vice Major Talbot sick. [Officers] For the Day...