George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Adam Stephen, 19 July 1758

From Adam Stephen

Camp at Raes Town July 19th 1758


Col. Bouquet was at first in a great dillemma betwixt his great inclination to serve you, & the Attachment he has to regularity, duty & discipline. He is sensible the Enemy we deal with is Active and Enterprizing, & thinks himself answerable for What happens in your absence: But as he is really a good man, & willing to Oblige; His Inclination to Serve you gaind the Superiority, and He has such a favourable Opinion of you that, he will not easily believe that Matters go Right untill you return.1

I have sent a provision Return of this Detachmt and will Obey your Orders respecting the Dress &c.2

John Dow never wrote me whether you paid him my order, £30 for ⟨illegible⟩, Alexander, & Lochard & £23 Lt Blaggs amounting to £53.3 If it is not Paid, be so good as take up the Order now you are going down, and oblige Sir, your most Obt hube Sert

Adam Stephen


1For the possibility that Bouquet subsequently decided GW should not go to Winchester, see GW to Bouquet, 21 July, n.1.

2This is probably the document in DLC:GW headed “A Daily Return of the Virginia Companys that draws Provisions July the 19th 1758” and signed by Adam Stephen. The return of the six companies of the 1st Virginia Regiment at Raystown lists as present, in addition to Stephen, 3 captains, 9 lieutenants, and 5 ensigns (with Maj. Andrew Lewis and 2 lieutenants “on Commd”); 1 quartermaster and 1 surgeon’s mate on the staff; 19 sergeants, 4 fifers, and 11 drummers (with 4 sergeants on command); and 627 “Effective Rank & File,” including 2 wagoners, 24 women, and 9 servants. At the bottom is this note: “Miles Richardson Jacob Jonas of Colo. Washingtons Company Not Included.” Miles Richardson was acting as GW’s servant, and Jacob Jonas had been his cook. For Stephen’s earlier returns, see his letters to GW, 6 July, n.1, and 13 July, n.1.

3John Dow (d. 1763) was a merchant in Winchester. The following receipt, dated 16 June 1758, is in DLC:GW: “Received of George Washington Esqr. by the hands of Alexr Boyd Paym. Twenty three pounds On Accot of Lieut. John Blagg wch he borrowed of Lt Colol Adam Stephen” (Va. Regimental Receipt Book, 1755–58). In a book of miscellaneous cash accounts, 1757–58 (DLC:GW) GW recorded earlier, on 24 May 1758, “By Cash pd Lt Blagg 216.6.4[.] N.B. gave my Note of hand to Mr Blagg for £193.6.4 of the above the Remaining £23 Colo. Stephen has an Order for.”

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