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    • Robert Cary & Company


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Documents filtered by: Author="Robert Cary & Company"
Results 31-60 of 62 sorted by author
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 12 Aug. 1768. On 25 July 1769 GW wrote them : “I observe what you have mentioned in a Letter of the 12th of August, last year.”
Invoice of Cost & Charges of Goods Shipd on Board the Trimley James Page Commander for Virginia upon the Acct and risque of Colo: Geo. Washington & Consignd to himself. John Walker Sugar 12 dble loas. 0. 3. 5 92/ [£]  3.13. 1 14 Single Do 1. 3. 4 72/ 6. 8. 7 A Cask . 3. 6 Benja. Kenton Porter 24 doz. fine old Porter Bottled packd & wird 7.16. 0 2 Casks .11.   Cartage Shipping &ca . 5.   Thos...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 12 Dec. 1760. On 3 April 1761 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Yours of the 12th Decr . . . is come to hand.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 31 May 1762. On 30 Sept. GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Yours of the 31st of May . . . is come to hand.”
Invoice of Goods markd & numbred as pr Margin Shipd on Board the Polly John Johnston Master for Virginia on the proper acct and risque of Colo. George Washington, and to him Consignd. Theodosia Crowley & Co. Iron 10 M 4d. Nails @2/4½ [£] 1. 3. 9 5 M 6d. Ditto @3/7 .17.11 20 M 8d. Ditto @4/7 4.11. 8 1 M 30d. Ditto @ .18.   Cask
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 31 Jan. 1767. On 20 July GW wrote to them : “Your favours of the . . . 31st of Jany and 6th of March past [are] all lying before me.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 6 Mar. 1767. On 20 July GW wrote to them : “Your favours of the . . . 31st of Jany and 6th of March past [are] all lying before me.”
Invoice of Goods Shipd on board the Nautilus Captn Boyes—for the use of George Washington—Potomack Rivr Richd Farrer & Co. China 1 Compleat sett Table China fine blue & white consisting of—11 long Dishes 24 plates 12 Soop plates 1 Tureen Covr & Dish 4 Sauce Boats 4 Salts [£]12. 0.0 2 Dozn best wt. Enamelld Wine Glasses .10.  6 Beer Glasses Ditto . 3.6 6 larger Do . 5.  6 Quart Decanters Cutt...
Invoice of Goods Shippd on board the Nelly John Johnstoun on the proper acct and risque of George Washington and go to him consigned. Edwd Hippisley Linnen 5 ps. Oznabrig qty 549 Ells @9¼ £ 21. 3. 2 ½ ps. Hessen pr Wr 18/ ps. . 9.   2 ps. Irish 3 qt. 50 yards 13d. 2.14. 2 2 ps. Ditto 133 qt. 46 yards 18d. 3. 9.   1 ps. long Lawn 150/ 7.10.   1 ps. corded Dimothy 65/ 3. 5.   1 dozn red and...
Invoice of Cost & Charges of Goods Shipd on board the Lord Cambden John Johnstoun Comr for Virginia upon the Acct & risque of Colo. Geo: Washington & to him consignd. Vizt Alexr Duning Biscuit White Bread o C. 1 Q. 22 lb. @ 28/ .12. 6 Cask, Package, & Waterage . 3. 6 Saml Ballamy Iron In a Cask . 2. 6 3 M 30d. Nails at 15/ 2. 5. 0 6 Inch headg Chisls 6/ . 3.   6 ¾ Inch Do 6/ . 3.   6 ½ Inch Do...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 24 Aug. 1762. On 26 April 1763 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “I have your favours of the 10th and 24th of August . . . now lying before me.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 6 Aug. 1759. On 30 Nov. GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your favour of the 6th Augt I have had the pleasure of receiving.”
Invoice of Goods Shipd by Robt Cary Esqr. & Compa. on Board the Charming Polly Captn [Thomas] Woodford a Virginia on the proper account and risque of Colo. George Washington and to him Consignd Crowley & Compa. 4 M 4d. Nails @ 1/11 ½ 7/10  17 M 8d. Ditto @ 4/1 69/5 3.17. 3 17 M 8d. ditto @ 4/1 69/5  10 M 10d. ditto @ 5/ 50/ 5.19. 5 10 M 10d. ditto @ 5/ 50/  13 M 20d. ditto @ 7/6 97/6 7. 7. 6
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 5 Mar. 1774. On 1 June GW wrote Cary: “Your letter of 5th of Mar: . . . came to my hands.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 1 Feb. 1768. On 5 May 1768 GW wrote to them : “I have just time before I leave this place to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters of the 22d of Decr by Eston, and 1st of Feby by Captn Outram.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 4 Sept. 1766. On 20 July 1767 GW wrote to them : “Your favours of the . . . 4th of Septr . . . and 6th of March past [are] all lying before me.”
Invoice of Goods Shiped on Board the Ranger Hugh Wyley Commander for Virginia upon the proper Acct & Resque of Coll Geo: Washington & to him Consignd viz. Philip Bell Worsted Shades To 11 lb. fine yellow worstd of difft Shades to Work cross Stitch £ 2. 4.0 To 12 Oz. floss Silk 1.16.0 To 12 Yds yellow Canvas 1. 0.0 To a Strong Case . 2.6 J. Waller Books Gilbert Bishop of Sarums Exposi[tio]n of...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 13 Feb. 1764. On 1 May GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “The Copy of your Letter of the 13th of February . . . is come to hand.”
Dr. Thos. Jefferson Esqr. in accot. currt. with Robert Cary & Co. Cr. 1783 1786 Feby 22 To Balance rendered under the City Seal } 115 18  4 April 25 By Cash  40 “ “ To Interest from this date to 22 Aug 1796 is 13 1/2yrs @ 5 prC }
Invoice of Costs & Charges of Goods Shipd by Robt Cary & Co. on board the Charming Polly Robt Watson Master upon the acct & Risk of George Washington & to him Consignd Saml Ballamy Nails In a Cask 3/ 12½ M 20d. flat pts 7/ [£] 4.10.6 In a Cask 3/ 12½ M 20d. Do Do 7/ 4.10.6 In a Cask 3/ 26 M 10d. Do Do 5/ 6.13.  In a Cask 3/ 25 M 10d. Do Do 5/ 5. 7.2  21. 1.2 Entry out Searchers Fees & Shipg Chars.
Invoice of Costs & Charges of Goods Shiped on board the Lord Campden John Johnstoun Commander for Virginia upon the proper Account and risque of Colo. George Washington & to him Consigned Vizt Theo. Crowley Iron 25 M 8d. Nails @3/6 £ 4. 7. 6 Cask . 1.10 25 M 8d. Nails @3/6 4. 7. 6 Cask . 1.10 20 M 10d. Nails 4/3 4. 5. 0 Cask . 1.10
Invoice of Cost & Charges of Goods Shipd on Board the Liberty James Walker Comr for Virginia upon the Acct & risque of George Washington and Consignd to himself —Vizt Theo: Crowley & Co. Iron 25 M 4d. Nails 1/9½ [£] 2. 4. 9 25 M 8d. Ditto 3/8 4.11. 8 Cask . 2.   5 M 30d. Nails 17/ 4. 5. 0 Cask . 2.   1 dozn Cowprs Drawg knives
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 28 Mar. 1764. On 10 Aug. GW wrote to the firm , mentioning “your other Letter of the 28th of March.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 10 Aug. 1761. On 28 May 1762 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your unacknowledged favours of . . . 10th Augt . . . and the 19th of Octr following now lye before [me].”
Invoice of Costs & Charges of Goods Shipped on Board the William and Mary John Boyes Commander upon the proper Acct & risque of Colo. George Washington Virginia and to him Consigned. Theodosia Crowley Iron 6 plate Stock Locks with Bars & Screws @3/ [£] .18.   2 Extra: Iron Rimb’d Locks with pullbacks Wards Round Keys hard brass furniture & box staples &ca Compleat @10/6 1. 1.   1 Dozn Sickles...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 12 Sept. 1771. On 20 Feb. 1772 GW wrote them : “I have been impatiently waiting for my Goods, being much in want of the Millstones, having heard nothing from you in respect to them since the 12th of Septr.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 7 Nov. 1765. On 23 June 1766 GW wrote to them : “I have receivd your favours of the . . . 7 & 18th of November.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 7 Mar. 1763. On 13 June GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Your favour of the 7th of March . . . is come to hand.”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 26 Dec. 1760. On 3 April 1761 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “Yours of the . . . 26th”
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 18 Nov. 1765. On 23 June 1766 GW wrote to them : “I have receivd your favours of the . . . 7 & 18th of November.”