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Documents filtered by: Author="Pickering, Timothy"
Results 341-350 of 683 sorted by recipient
I have this morning received a letter from Colo. Monroe, covering the account of the sums paid for books &c. for the department of war, amounting to 2570 livres & 6 deniers. I have sent the letter and account to the Secretary of War, on whom is devolved the duty of making payment. The account transmitted with the books was made out in Assignats. That now received gives the rates of...
I have just received from your office a letter covering a copy of one dated the 10th instant from the French Minister, relative to the claims of the owners of the vessels detained by the Ship of War L’Eole; by which they are referred to the French Consul at Baltimore to obtain the adjustment of those claims. Having no documents in my possession, I must request you to send me those which were...
On the 11th instant I delivered to Samuel Bloodworth, son of the Senator, a letter to Mr. Jefferson covering the certificate of the President of the Senate of his being elected the vice-president of the U States, which Mr Bloodworth was specially charged to deliver in person to Mr. Jefferson. To-day the father returned me the letter, under a cover which contained one with your name upon it...
I duly recd. your letter of the 17th ulto. in answer to mine of the 7th; informing me that you had relinquished the presidency of the Albemarle Agricultural Society, & had other demands on your time, and other reading tasks in which you were in arrears, which abridged your reading works on husbandry. I shall nevertheless continue to address to you my letters in relation to the improving of our...
13 June 1801, Easton, Pennsylvania. Forwards a packet of papers pertaining to the claims of the heirs of a French officer who served in the Revolution, Jean-Baptiste de Gouvion. Money is due them from the U.S., but he has advised the heirs not to permit the funds to go to a French government official; Pickering’s recollection is that he suggested the remittance be made through bankers in...
I have repeatedly applied to the secretary of the navy to obtain the discharge of a minor of the name of Chase, whose father, Aquila Chase, of Massachusetts, demands his release, & has furnished the requisite evidence of his being a minor; but am not informed that the discharge has been directed. The last time I called at the Navy Office, Mr. Jones being absent, his chief clerk promised to...
As you are the President of an Agricultural Society, you doubtless read some Agricultural papers, and among them, the “American Farmer,” a paper peculiarly adapted to the husbandry of the Middle States. In that you will have seen the writings of Mr. John Hare Powel, in three numbers, called a “Reply to Colonel Pickering on Native Cattle.” On that subject I wrote four letters, first published...
Last week I received the inclosed letter dated Pisa 24th March 1796, addressed to “Edmund Randolph Esqr. Secretary of Congress, Philadelphia,” from Filippo Mazzei, covering one to you, and yours covering one to Mr. Jefferson, of the same date. I opened the first of course, as a public letter; and the other two were not sealed. Not understanding the Italian language, I went in the evening to a...
Your favor of this date is just received—I know not who has the Direction of the shad fishery; & if I did have no authority to put the Business in a new train. The Pettiaugers I can order to be got ready to sail at a moment’s warning: and for the security of the fish against the accident you mention (which however can scarcely happen) each boat may take & keep on board a barrel or two of...
In answer to your favour of this date just handed me, relative to the standards for the army, I have to inform you, that they came to the store at this place in a box with other articles, directed to Mr Frothingham field commissary of military stores, who opened the box & took out some of the articles, but left the standards, saying he would send for them: how ever, there they are yet. This is...