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Results 331-340 of 683 sorted by date (ascending)
On the 25th I received letters from Colo. Humphreys dated April 30. May 30. & June 1. accompanied by a large packet from Mr Barlow at Algiers. The substance of the information respecting the pending treaty with Algiers is, That Mr Donaldson had gone to Leghorn, with orders from Mr Barlow to transmit two hundred thousand dollars to Algiers, which would procure the redemption of our captive...
(private) About noon to-day Mr John Churchman, who has been these two or three years in Europe, on account of his supposed discoveries relative to the variation of the Magnetic Needle, called at the office. He came last from Bourdeaux, and was the bearer of Mr Monroe’s letter of the 2d of May. I told him it had been broken open; & after a few questions, asked him to give me a certificate of...
I was yesterday honoured with your letter of the 25th and agreeably to your directions have had a commission made out for Samuel Williams to be Consul of the U. States at Hamburg, & now inclose it for your signature. I will take care to advise Mr Monroe of the appointment. The untoward situation of the Cannon foundaries last year, excited apprehensions that the Contractors might fail of...
With very sincere pleasure I announce to you the ratification of the treaty with Spain. I received the ratified copy this day by the mail from New-York, with a certificate signed by the Prince of Peace and Mr Rutledge of the exchange of the ratifications, as on the 25th of April. I do not know why the certificate and the ratification on the part of Spain bear that date; for the treaty ratified...
In my letter of the 30th ulto which was forwarded by post the first instant, I had the pleasure to mention the arrival of the Spanish treaty, ratified by His Catholic Majesty. I now do myself the honor to transmit the treaty itself (being a duplicate original) with a proclamation, for your signature, in order to promulgate the same to the citizens of the U. States. I also inclose for your...
This week I received letters from Colo. Humphreys dated the 4th and 8th of June. The latter covered an edict of the government of Portugal for opening a free port at Junguara, just at the Entrance of the harbour of Lisbon. Colo. Humphreys embraced this occasion to compliment the Minister on the liberal policy of the government, and to express his hopes that the subject of the free admission of...
Expecting from Mr Blodget an improved design for a mediterranean passport, I delayed putting the one he sent me, & which I had the honor to lay before you, into the hands of the engraver. But receiving nothing more from him, I shewed his original design to Mr Wolcott & Mr McHenry who both approved of it, with some little alterations. The engraving has proved a more tedious work than I had...
Last week I received the inclosed letter dated Pisa 24th March 1796, addressed to “Edmund Randolph Esqr. Secretary of Congress, Philadelphia,” from Filippo Mazzei, covering one to you, and yours covering one to Mr. Jefferson, of the same date. I opened the first of course, as a public letter; and the other two were not sealed. Not understanding the Italian language, I went in the evening to a...
The inclosed letter came under cover to me from Wm Lithgow Attorney for the district of Maine, which he says contains his resignation. Daniel Davis Esquire of Portland is a lawyer well recommended by the Members of Congress to suceed Mr Lithgow, & I think has been doing the business of the office since Mr Lithgow’s indisposition prevented his attending the courts. The enquiries concerning a...
I have this moment left Colo. Hawkins—I called twice in the course of the day without finding him at his lodgings. His ideas & wishes correspond with what I mentioned to-day—to be the superintendant of the four southern nations—Chickasaws, Cherokees, Choctaws & Creeks—the latter requiring at present peculiar attention. He would prefer the Indian Department to that of the Surveyor. Two thousand...