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Documents filtered by: Author="Pickering, Timothy"
Results 301-330 of 683 sorted by author
The inclosed letter from Samuel Freeman Esqr. of Portland I should have presented long ago: but...
(private) Sir, Philadelphia Feby 21. 1799. I have been honoured with your letter of the 21st. My...
(private) About noon to-day Mr John Churchman, who has been these two or three years in Europe,...
Mr. King’s letters brought by General Maitland, & which I have now decyphered, exhibit the tenor...
The Secretary of War respectfully lays before the president four draughts of answers to the...
I have received your note of this date . It will certainly be most eligible for the Messenger...
As soon as you had decided on the expediency of substituting a consul in the place of Mr Parrish...
Of the seventeen teams impressed by Justice Chandler for the artillery, tents & intrenching...
The inclosed interesting pamphlet is a faithful translation from the original French, transmitted...
The Secretary of State respectfully lays before the President of the United States, the draught...
This morning I received a letter from the American Consul at Naples. Unfortunately it is without...
There is in the Aurora of this city, an uninterrupted stream of slander on the American...
The inclosed I wrote last evening for your information. This morning I received your open letter...
The conductor whom I sent to Albany with blankets for Colo. Willet’s regiment is returned. He...
In a memorandum of your Excellency’s which I recd at Totowa is the following—“Ox teams to be...
I have been favoured with your Excellency’s letter of the 15th instant, which would have been...
I have to-day received from Genl. Kosciusko the inclosed letter, accompanied with two packets...
Mr FitzSimons has sent me three bills amounting to upwards of five hundred dollars, drawn by the...
I have received from Mr. Adams at Berlin a letter which I am decyphering: it is dated the 18th of...
I have the honor to enclose a report on the memorial and petition of William Somarfall & son &...
Yesterday I received the inclosed letter from General Toussaint, which for the reason suggested...
The Secretary of State respectfully lays before the President of the United States the draught of...
The Secretary of War respectfully informs the President that General Rochambeau, who some time...
I was last evening honoured with your two letters of the 8th. Measures were taking to supply the...
I have the happiness to inform you that the box, containing the orderly books & some returns,...
The subject of the proposed mission to France is so important, that whether it proceed or be...
Act may 17th 1796—empowers the President to appoint Superintendants of the Light house to be...
The Secretary of State respectfully requests the President of the United States to grant his...
I gave Mr. King early notice of his appointment to negociate a treaty of amity & commerce with...
I have in some measure anticipated your wishes of information relative to General Wayne’s treaty:...