James Madison Papers

William Patterson to James Madison, 14 October 1833

Baltimore 14th October 1833

Dear Sir

I duly received in Course your much esteemed favor of 25th August, and was glad to see that Mrs Madison accepted of my offer of the Coke Devon Caves. I shall in Consequence send by the Fredricksburg Steem Boat to leave this on Sunday Morning the 20th instant 4 caves (two of each Sex) with provevender sufficient to last them until they shall have time to reach your place, to the care of Mr. Wm Allen as you direct. If Convenient & not too much trouble it would be well to have an old Cow & a Horse & Cart to accompany them from Fredricksburg. The former will facilitate their travel & the latter serve to carry their feed &ca Have the goodness to present my best respects to Mrs Madison and believe me with sincere regard Dear Sir Your Obedt. Servant

Wm Patterson

NB: I have given the name of Coke Devon to the animals in Compliment to the Donor & improver of that Breed.


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