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    • Madison, James


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Documents filtered by: Author="Madison, James"
Results 7921-7950 of 8,649 sorted by date (descending)
Resolved that the Commissioners or any two of them appointed on the 28th. day of June last to concert with Commissioners on the part of Maryland, regulations touching the navigation and jurisdiction of the Potowmac, be further authorized ⟨to unite⟩ with the said commissioners in representing to the State of Pennsylvania, that it is in contemplation of the ⟨said⟩ two States to promote the...
“In the course of the last week a proposition was made to empower Congress to collect the Impost within this State [Virginia] as soon as 12 States shd. unite in the Scheme. The argumts. which prevailed agst. it were the unfavorable aspect it wd. present to foreigners, the tendency of the example to inferior combinations—the field it wd. open for contraband trade—its probable affect on the...
Debate on Bill for Relig. Estabt proposed by Mr. Henry 1. limited 2. in particular 3. What is Christianity? Courts of law to Judge 4. What edition, Hebrew, Septuagint, or vulgate? What copy—what translation? 5. What books canonical, what apochryphal? the papists holding to be the former what protestants the latter, the Lutherans the latter what other protestants & papists the former 6. In What...
I.   Rel: not within purview of Civil Authority. tendency of Estabg. Christianity 1. to project of Uniformity 2. to penal laws for supportg. it. ————— Progres[s] of Gen: Assest. proves this tendency ————— difference between estabg. & tolerating errour— II. True question not—Is Rel: necesy.? are Religs. Estabts. necessy. for Religion? no. 1. propensity of man to Religion.
Your favor of the 14th. instant came to hand on thursday. A proposition was made a few days ago for this State to empower Congs. to carry into effect the imposts as soon as 12 States should make themselves parties to it. It was rejected on the following grounds 1. that it would present a disagreeable aspect of our affairs to Foreign nations. 2 that it might lead to other combinations of lesser...
The distance between Norfolk and Louisville, at the Falls of the Ohio, is about 525 miles; but in the 1780s the question was not how remote the extremes of Virginia were from each other, but whether these distant points even belonged in the same empire. In tidewater Virginia there was much feeling that navigable rivers from the foothills of the Alleghenies would draw western produce to eastern...
Wher[e]as the opening & extending the navigation of James River from tide water to will greatly enhance the value of Lands within a certain extent on each side thereof, as well as facilitate the communication with the Country on the Western Waters & extend the trade of the Commonwealth, and it is reasonable that those who are to be immediately & principally benefited by such a work sd....
Letter not found: from James Madison, 11 Dec. 1784. On 28 Dec. GW wrote to Madison : “I have been favored with your letter of the 11th.”
I was, by Thursday’s post, favoured with your’s of the 26th of November. We had begun to despair of a Congress being made up in time for a decision on the case referred to them by the resolutions of our last session. I now hope that we may yet hear from you, on that subject, before our adjournment. The bill on the resolutions in favour of the treaty of peace, mentioned in my last, is not yet...
Neither of the two last posts brought me a line from you. I find one in the office for Mr. Jones who is absent on a visit to King George. I expect him back on Monday next. Our proceedings throughout this week have turned chiefly on the bill for assize Courts, which yesterday passed the H. of D. after a faint opposition and with very few dissenting voices. It is formed pretty much on the...
Letter not found. 11 December 1784, Richmond . Washington had traveled to Annapolis to further his favored scheme for an interstate project to build a canal along the Potomac River. He acknowledged the arrival of this letter on 28 December. JM probably told Washington of the main business that had occupied the General Assembly since Washington’s departure from Richmond ca. 20 November.
Whereas the act of Assembly passed in the year 1782 intitled “An Act Concerning Pensioners,” which has been continued by several subsequent acts will expire at the end of the present Session of Assembly, and it is expedient that the same should be further continued Be it therefore enacted that the act intitled An Act “Concerning Pensioners” shall continue and be in force from and after the...
On Saturday last a proposition was agreed to for establishing Circuit Courts throughout this Commonwealth, and yesterday a bill for that purpose was reported. On wednesday next it will undergo a discussion of the Come. of the Whole. The circumstances under which it has passed thus far seem to promise a favorable issue, but the dangers which it is yet to go thro’ are formidable. They proceed...
Letter not found. 4 December 1784, Richmond. Lafayette refers to this letter in the 17 December addendum to his 15 December 1784 letter to JM . The lost letter contained news of the resolution passed in the House of Delegates to have two busts of Lafayette made and placed in the Virginia capital and in Paris.
My last informed you that a vote had passed in favor of Circuit Courts. A bill has since been brought in and will shortly be considered. The difficulty of suiting it to every palate, & the many latent objections of a selfish & private nature which will shelter themselves under some plausible objections of a public nature to which every innovation is liable render the event extremely uncertain....
Whereas by the Definitive treaty of peace as now ratified Between the united States of America and his Britannick majesty it is agreed that there shall be no future Confiscation; to the end that the same may be carried into effect within this Commonwealth Be it enacted by the General Assembly that the future Operation of the Laws concerning Escheats and forfeitures from British Subjects shall...
Resolved, that it is the opinion of this committee , That the Executive ought to be authorised to put on the pension list all officers and soldiers, who have been wounded in the service of their country, and whom they may think entitled to the same, upon application being made to them therefor. Printed copy ( JHDV Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia; Begun and...
JM was chairman of the House committee for Courts of Justice, and carried a burden of work in the October 1784 session of the legislature that ordinarily would have been assigned a delegate who practiced law. However, JM’s lack of formal legal training did not deter his colleagues from giving him a lawyer’s work. JM’s concern for this bill creating a circuit court system was not focused on its...
For extending the benefit of lands granted by the laws of this Commonwealth to Officers and Soldiers who have served during the late war to their representatives or devisees who may be aliens. Be it enacted that if any such alien representative or devisee shall on or before the day of or in case he or she be under the age of twenty one years within after having attained such age become a...
Having a moments time to drop you a line I inform you that the Bill for confirming surveys agst. subsequent entries has been negatived by a large majority, rather on the principle that it was unnecessary & retrospective, than that it was unjust in itself. On the contrary all the principal gentlemen were of opinion that it was just, but already provided for by the law. Mr. Innes the late Judge...
Your favor of the 15th inst: came to hand by thurday’s post. Mine by the last post acknowledged your preceding one. The umbrage given to the Comsrs. of the U. S. by the negociations of N. Y. with the Indians was not altogether unknown to me, though I am less acquainted with the circumstances of it than your letter supposes. The Idea which I at present have of the affair leads me to say that as...
Whereas it is the desire of the good people of this Commonwealth in all cases to manifest their reverance for the law of Nations, to cultivate amity and peace as far as may depend on them between the United States and foreign powers, and to support the dignity and energy of the fœderal Constitution: Be it enacted by the General Assembly that if any Citizen or inhabitant of this Commonwealth...
Your favor without date was brought by thursday’s post. It inclosed a Cypher for which I thank you & which I shall make use as occasion may require, though from the nature of our respective situations, its chief value will be derived from your use of it. Gel. Washington arrived here on Sunday last, and the Marquis on thursday. The latter came from Boston in a French frigate. They have both...
I had intended by this post to commence our correspondence with a narrative of what has been done and is proposed to be done at present Session of the Genl As[s]embly, but by your last lettr. to Mr. Jones, I find that it is very uncertain whether this will get to Trenton before you leave it for Virga. I cannot however postpone my congratulations on your critical escape from the danger which...
Letter not found. ca. 14 November 1784. Lee acknowledged on 26 Nov. JM’s letter from Richmond, which had arrived at Trenton on 21 Nov. The letter appears to have reported on legislative business, including the proposed general assessment bill, a revised militia law, and the postponed tax measure.
I did not get to this place till the fourteenth day after that fixed for the meeting of the Assembly, but was two days only after a H. of D was actually made. You will infer therefore that little business of moment has yet been done. Excepting a few Resolutions for the Delegation urging a Treaty with the Southern Indians, and negociations with the Spaniards touching the Mississippi, our time...
James Rumsey (1743–1792) had been experimenting with a mechanical pole boat when good fortune brought General Washington to his vicinity. In September 1784 (at Bath in Berkeley County, Virginia) Washington witnessed a trial run of a model and became an enthusiast for Rumsey’s invention. Since Rumsey’s model gave promise of being a handmaiden to the general’s favorite Potomac canal scheme, it...
Indian unrest and rumors of Spanish intrigue on the western frontier cast a shadow over the General Assembly sessions late in 1784. Virginians were moving into areas roamed by peaceable tribes and committing depredations that could only lead to retaliation, while word drifted eastward of provocative moves in the Ohio Valley that might bring an open clash between Virginians and Spaniards. JM...
On my arrival here I found that Mr. Short had passed through on his way to N. York & was there at the date of my last. I regret much that I missed the pleasure of seeing him. The inclosed was put into my hands by Mrs. House who recd. it after he left Philada. My two last, neither of which were in cypher, were written as will be all future ones in the same situation, in expectation of their...
On my arrival here I found that Mr. Short had passed through on his way to N. York and was there at the date of my last. I regret much that I missed the pleasure of seeing him. The inclosed was put into my hands by Mrs. House, who received it after he left Philada. My two last, neither of which were in cypher, were written as will be all future ones in the same situation, in expectation of...