James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Daniel Parker, 23 August 1813

To Daniel Parker

Montpelier Aug. 23. 1813


With the extract from a letter of Genl. Pinkney,1 I recd. yesterday a copy of yours to Govr. Blount, which appears to be a very proper one. I recd. at the same time your extract from Genl. Harrison’s letter.2 This morning I receive your note of the 20th. inst. I have signed the Brevet Commission so well merited by young Croghan.

I return the letter from Meigs, which may be an original, nothing to the contrary appearing. Has not some instruction been sent to him, relating to a co-operation of the Cherokees with our troops & the friendly Creeks? The passage in Meigs’ letter in pencilled Brackets, with the exception of the line crossed out, gives a view of circumstances very proper for the public, and may be sent to the press; as “an extract from an Intelligent resident among the Cherokees.”3 Accept my respects

J. Madison

RC (PHi: Daniel Parker Papers). Docketed by Parker. For enclosure, see n. 3.

1JM probably referred to an extract from Thomas Pinckney’s letter to John Armstrong of 14 Aug. 1813 (DNA: RG 59, ML), in which Pinckney reported his order that supplies be provided for the Georgia militia called out to fight the Creek Indians, detailed his disposition of U.S. troops previously stationed at Point Peter, and stated that he had chosen Charleston as his headquarters.

2For Parker’s letter to Willie Blount and the extract of Harrison’s letter to which JM referred, see Parker to JM, 20 Aug. 1813 (first letter), and nn. 2 and 3.

3JM probably enclosed a 6 Aug. 1813 letter to Armstrong from Return Jonathan Meigs Sr., U.S. agent to the Cherokees (DNA: RG 107, LRRS, M-196:7). Meigs urged that U.S. troops be stationed within the Cherokee territory for its defense and that the Cherokees themselves be organized into military units to supplement this regular force. In the passage bracketed by JM, Meigs supported his recommendations by asserting that the Cherokees, if so employed, would not commit atrocities, and that it was in their interest to render military service to the United States because of all the advantages that nation had bestowed upon them, in contrast to Great Britain. There was no doubt, Meigs added, that the British and northern Indians had incited the Creeks to hostilities against the United States. JM struck out Meigs’s statement that the Cherokee forces should be allowed to fight only against “the Brittish & their allies.” The extract, as edited by JM, appeared in the Daily National Intelligencer on 26 Aug. 1813.

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