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To Thomas Jefferson from André Limozin, 31 March 1787

From André Limozin

Le Havre, 31 Mch. 1787. Encloses Captain Joshua Oldner’s bill of lading for the “twelve Cases Catridge Boxes … consigned me for the use of the State of Virginia” and shipped on the Portsmouth bound for Norfolk. She is ready to sail with the “very First Fair wind,” and Limozin is sending another bill of lading by her to the governor of Virginia. His next letter will bring the note of expenses for these cases. “Captn. Oldner Seems [to] me to be a very cleaver man; he intends to continue Havre de Grace treade.” Limozin recommends him to TJ and if he has anything to send to Norfolk, it “must be ready against the month of July‥‥ His Ship [is] a good Strong new fast sailing Vessell, which as well as the Master deserves all preference and incouragement.” If TJ is surprised because he speaks so much in behalf of a master not consigned to Limozin’s house, it is because “it is our duty to do Justice to every Body.” Encloses also a letter from Mr. Oster.

RC (MHi); 4 p.; endorsed. Recorded in SJL as received 3 May 1787 at Aix-en-Provence. Enclosures: (1) Bill of lading, dated 31 Mch. 1787 and signed by Joshua Oldner, for “Twelve Cases Merchandize,” at the foot of which Oldner wrote: “Contents unKnown” (Vi). (2) The letter from Oster has not been found and is not recorded in SJL among the letters received 3 May at Aix-en-Provence; it may have been only a covering address under Oster’s frank for one or more of the letters from Virginia received on that date.

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