
  • Author

    • Jefferson, Thomas
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    • Madison, James


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Recipient="Madison, James"
Results 211-260 of 1,185 sorted by recipient
No. 6. Since my last of June 29. I have received your Nos. 2. & 3. of June 24. & 25. The...
I had intended to have been with you before this, but my daughter , who wishes to pay her...
The President of the United States of America, To James Madison Esqr. of Orange County, in the...
The inclosed lre in Gr. Lat. Fr. and Eng. with it’s accompaniments being intended for your...
I left at Washington a great coat of which I shall have great need. Should this reach you before...
Your favor of Feb. 15. is duly recieved and I now inclose the letter for Mr. Christie, which you...
Commissions to be made out. Thomas Rodney of Delaware to be judge of Missipi. vice S. Lewis...
25 September 1804, Monticello. “I intended to have been with you tomorrow evening, but it is...
I wrote you last on the 21st. Your’s of the 12th. therein acknoleged is the last recd. The...
Doctr. Rose delivered me last night the letter with which you charged him, and I have thought it...
So much of the communications from our envoys has got abroad, & so partially that there can now...
I inclose you two letters from mr Burrall , postmaster of Baltimore . you will percieve by them...
Your’s of the 4th. came to hand last night & I now return you the letters of Livingston, Bourne,...
I presume the correspondence between the Ambassador of Tunis & Secretary of State, must be...
I return you mr Coxe’s letter which has cost me much time at two or three different attempts to...
Circular Notwithstanding the reduction which was made in the rents proposed, it appears that that...
My last to you was of the 16th. since which yours of the 12th. is recieved and it’s contents...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly respects to Mr. Madison and asks the favor of him to procure...
Unexpected delays in getting my carriage ready will render it impossible for me to leave this...
Yours of the 12th. inst. is received, and I will duly attend to your commission relative to the...
My last to you were of Aug. 2. and 15. Since that I have sent to Havre to be forwarded to you by...
I presume the two commissions of militia officers in the District of Columbia which you inclosed...
In the line I scribbled to you from Georgetown to-day I omitted to inform you that I had...
Considering Ch r Tucker’s acceptance as absolutely desperate, the reasons he assigned being of an...
Your’s of July 22. came to hand on the 25th. the day of my arrival here. I think the proposition...
Your’s of the 3d. came to hand yesterday. I am content that the questions relative to...
The idea seems to gain credit that the naval powers combining against France will prohibit...
In a late letter from mr. Spafford of Albany I received the inclosed with a request that after...
I have no doubt you have occasionally been led to reflect on the character of the duty imposed by...
I wrote you on the 23d. and yesterday I received yours of the 17th. which was the more welcome as...
Your letter of Feb. 15. having given me the hope you would attend the meeting of the Visitors of...
I wrote yesterday to Genl. Dearborne on the subject of intruders on the public lands in...
The person who hands you this letter is an interesting subject of curiosity. he was taken...
I return your letter to the President, and that of mr. Rush to you, with thanks for the...
The inclosed letter for Mr. Jay being of a private nature, I have thought it better to put it...
I return you all your papers except Irvine’s which I have not yet entirely read. As far as I have...
My Circular was answered by Genl. Breckenridge, approving, as we had done, of the immediate...
Your’s of the 4th. is recieved. I think the course which has been taken for sending MelliMeni...
Th: Jefferson presents his affectionate salutations to mr Madison and incloses him the extract of...
I wrote you last on the 22d. since which I have received yours without date, but probably of...
I hasten the return of the bearer that he may meet you at Brown’s and convey you information as...
I thank you for the communication of mr. Rush’s letter which I now return. Mr. Bentham’s...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Ths. Jefferson 17 June. 1783,” also “June 17. 1783....
My last to you was of the 16th. of March, as was the latest I have received from you. By the...
Yours of the 1st. was received yesterday. I now return the letters of Higginson, Davis &c....
A letter from Colo. Earle of S.C. induces me to apprehend that the government is called on to...
After writing to mr Smith my letter of yesterday by the post of the day, I recieved one from him...
With this letter I commit for you to the mail a bundle of seeds, one parcel of which was sent by...
A letter from Col o Earle of S. C. induces me to apprehend that the government is called on to...
The inclosed letter to mr Cabell so fully explains it’s object, and the grounds on which your...