
  • Author

    • Jefferson, Thomas
  • Recipient

    • Adams, John


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Recipient="Adams, John"
Results 111-120 of 277 sorted by author
Since your favor of July 10. mine have been of July 17. 23. & 28. the last inclosed a bill of...
I have the honor to inclose you a letter from one of our captive citizens of Algiers, if I may...
The people of Europe seem still to think that America is a mere garden plat, and that whatever is...
I hear of a conveyance which allows me but a moment to write to you. I inclose a copy of a letter...
I received your favors by Mr. Cutting, and thank you sincerely for the copy of your book. The...
M r. Parker furnishes me an opportunity of acknoleging the receipt of your favors of Nov. 10....
Since your favor of July 10. mine have been of July 17. 23 and 28. The last inclosed a bill of...
Th. Jefferson presents his respects to Mr. Adams and incloses him a letter which came to his...
I have received with a great deal of pleasure the account of your safe arrival and joyful...
I am indebted to you for mr Bowditch ’s very learned mathematical papers, the calculations of...