John Jay Papers
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From John Jay to Peter Augustus Jay, 4 May 1813

To Peter Augustus Jay

Bedford 4th. May 1813

Dear Peter

I have recd. your Letter of the 30 Ult:1 but none from Albany. The Sums to be paid to Sr. James and Mrs. ^F. Jay^ were I think 58–25, to each of them— Your Letter says 58–21— perhaps the Error was in my Letter to you— but it is not very important— Altho there is a Ballance due to me from your uncle Peter, yet I wish to close the Account in Question— pay therefore to Mr. Munro for him, for his fourth or Share in question $58–25— & take his Rect. accordingly. You will recollect that the Sum of which this is a fourth, was recd. by Mr. Munro & credited to me in his acct., for the amount of Principal and Interest of a Bond from Majr Samuel Lyon to the Ex[ecuto]rs. of Peter Jay—

The Result of the Election in the Town of WChester, disappoints me—2 I fear there has been a want either of Activity or of Prudence— I do not see how the real or pretended Neutrality of the Clintonians is to be reconciled to their professed Opposition to the War— but Contradictions are too common to excite Surprize— in general it is more easy to account for, than to justify them— William’s Letter will inform you of the Results of the Elections in this and some other Towns.

Nancy returned Yesterday from Rye, where she left our Friends in their usual State of Health— she brought with her the Panoplyst—3

I Yesterday recd. $35— Interest Money for your aunt Watkins— pay it to her. Honeywell paid you the Principal and Interest that was due on his Bond— Pay the Interest to her, and put out only the Principal—

Jams. Roe has recovered— I have not heard of any Cases of the Fever lately, but the Measles prevail in this Neighbourhood, but as yet our Family have escaped— Our Love to Mary I am Dr. Peter your Affte. Father

John Jay

The Letter to which the enclosed is an answr., tho’ dated at Haerlem, has the N. York post office mark — presuming therefore that there is no post office at Haerlem; and being desirous that it may come seasonably and safely to hand, I commit it to your Care—4

Peter Augustus Jay Esqr.

ALS, NNC (EJ: 11559).

1PAJ to JJ, 30 Apr. 1813, not found.

2JJ probably refers to Westchester County as a whole, rather than the much smaller Town of Westchester. In the 1813 gubernatorial election, Westchester County gave 43,330 votes to the victorious Daniel D. Tompkins (Republican) and 39,721 votes to Stephen Van Rensselaer (Federalist). In the state assembly election of that same year, William Barker (1764–1859) (Federalist), Richard V. Morris (1768–1815) (Federalist), and Abraham Miller (1765–1846) (Republican), were voted into the legislature. Abraham Odell (1760–1820), a third Federalist candidate was defeated. The returns for Westchester County were as follows: Barker received 1,589 votes, Morris, 1,549 votes; and Miller, 1,529 votes, and Odell, 1,287 votes. Commercial Advertiser (New York), 3 May 1813; New-York Evening Post, 12 May 1813; A New Nation Votes,; For more on the election results in the town of Westchester, see PAJ to JJ, 7 May 1813, below; and the editorial note “Political Changes and Challenges in the War of 1812,” above. For the election results in the town of Bedford, see JJ to Sarah Louisa Jay, 4 May 1813, below.

3See JJ to PAJ, 30 Mar. 1813, note 2, above.

4Enclosed letter not found.

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