
  • Author

    • Jay, John
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    • Franklin, Benjamin


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jay, John" AND Recipient="Franklin, Benjamin"
Results 11-20 of 101 sorted by relevance
Copies: Library of Congress, Columbia University Library On this Day I gave the House of Messrs. Jaques, Louis And Laurt. Le Couteullx of this Place, a Set of Bills on you for two Thousand five hundred and Sixty four Livres Eighteen Sols and ten Donrs. [deniers] payable ninety Days after the Date. I am Dear Sir with great Regard & Esteem your most Obedient Servant For this firm’s prior...
ALS : Library of Congress The Marquis de la Fayette is about to depart, & wishes for a speedy answer to his Letter— The enclosed Draft of one, meets with Mr Adam’s approbation, & if it also meets with your’s, be pleased to sign a Copy of it, and send it by the Bearer— I am Dr Sir sincerely Yours & Addressed: His Exy. / Doctr. Franklin / Passy The date of Lafayette’s departure for Brest; see...
Copy: Library of Congress As our Salaries are payables in Sterling money, I am too much at a Loss to determine the Rate of Exchange to fix upon any at present. I remember that your former Advances on this Account were at the rate of twenty four thousand Livres for a thousand Louis, supposing a Louis to be equal to a pound sterling, Our half years Salaries would amount to seventeen hundred &...
Your very agreable and friendly Letters I have rec d . and shall take an early Opportunity of answering fully.— I have as no Reason as yet to think a Loan here will be practicable. Bills on me arrive daily. Be pleased to send me a Credit for Residue of our Salaries. America rises in the general Estimation here. Tell M r . Deane I have rec d . four of his Letters & written three to him. He may...
ALS (draft): Columbia University Library; copy: Library of Congress You will find herewith enclosed an Extract of a sensible priv. Letter I recd. from the Secy of Congress on the Subject of their Finances—you will publish it or not as circumstances may render expedient. A Variety of Circumstances lead me to suspect that Negotiations for Peace are in agitation in pursuance of the Emperors...
Your Favors of the 2 d . 8 th : & 10 June have been rec d . & Copies transmitted to the Committee. The Subject of them certainly Merits their Attention, and I hope your Advice will be litterally complied with. As I have not now the Honor of a Seat in Congress, having been called to an office which will confine me in this State, any Information I can give You will be far less satisfactory than...
Since we parted I have been so much & so long indisposed as that (except short letters to M rs . Jay) I have denied myself the Pleasure of writing to my Friends. The Kindness you have shewn us both, has nevertheless not been forgotten, nor has my Disposition to acknowledge and be influenced by it in the least abated. We have lately had a Report here that you was very ill with the Stone, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Columbia University Library Since we parted I have been so much & so long indisposed as that (except short Letters to Mrs. Jay) I have denied myself the Pleasure of writing to my Friends. The Kindness you have shewn us both, has nevertheless not been forgotten, nor has my Disposition to acknowledge and be influenced by it in the least abated....
I have lately rec d . a very friendly Letter from the Marq s . de la Fayette, covering some Dispatches from M r Livingston. I find that the objects of his Voyage are interesting to us, and that it is the Desire of Congress that we should correspond with him. My answer to his letter is herewith enclosed— peruse; and dispose of it. I have given him a summary account of my Situation here; he will...
AL (draft): Columbia University Library All our Trouble and anxiety abt the Bills payable here this Month has been in vain they are protested. The following are the Reasons which I have desired the Notary to recite exactly in the Protest vizt (here insert Reasons verb. [verbatim]) It is proper you shd be informed that Mr. Garbarrus [Cabarrus], some Months ago voluntary offered (thro Mr....