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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
21 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 17 … 1783-07-17 LS : Public Record Office; AL (drafts): American Philosophical Society, Massachusetts Historical...
22 American Peace Commissioners Bariatinskii, Ivan Sergeevich The American Peace Commissioners to Prince … 1783-07-02 Retranslation: reprinted from Nina N. Bashkina et al. , eds., The United States and Russia: the...
23 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 30 … 1783-08-30 Copies: National Archives, William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress, Massachusetts...
24 American Peace Commissioners Livingston, Robert R. The American Peace Commissioners to Robert R. … 1783-07-18 LS : National Archives; press copy of LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: Library of...
25 American Peace Commissioners Boudinot, Elias, Jr. The American Peace Commissioners to Elias Boudinot, 10 … 1783-09-10 LS and press copy of LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress, Massachusetts...
26 Adams, John Proposed Article Regarding American Trade with Great … 1783-04-27 Article. Manufactures. foreign Commodities. It is agreed, that American Merchants shall be...
27 American Peace Commissioners The American Peace Commissioners: Passport for British … 1783-02-03 Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society (three), Library of Congress We John Adams, Benjamin...
28 Adams, John Oswald, Richard Proposed Articles for the Definitive Peace Treaty, [ca. … 1782-12-10 Articles to be proposed in the definitive Treaty. MS ( Adams Papers ); endorsed: “Minutes of...
29 Adams, John Proclamation of the Cessation of Hostilities by the … 1783-02-20 By the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States of America for making Peace with Great...
30 Jay, John Declaration of Cessation of Arms, 20 February 1783 1783-02-20 By the Ministers Plenipotentiary of The United States of America For Making Peace with Great...
31 Adams, John Passport for British Merchant Ships, [ca. 3 February … 1783-02-03 We John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, three of the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the...
32 American Peace Commissioners Oswald, Richard The American Peace Commissioners to Richard Oswald, 7 … 1782-11-07 LS and three copies: Public Record Office; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies:...
33 Adams, John Hartley, David Articles Proposed to David Hartley by the American … 1783-04-29 [ Paris, 29 April 1783 ]. PRINTED: JA , D&A , 3:114–115 . MS ( Adams Papers ). LbC ( Adams Papers...
34 American Peace Commissioners Fitzherbert, Alleyne The American Peace Commissioners to Alleyne … 1783-02-20 AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society We have recd. the Letter wh you did us the Honor to...
35 American Peace Commissioners Dana, Francis M. The American Peace Commissioners to Francis Dana, 12 … 1782-12-12 ALS, AL (draft), and copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: Library of Congress We...
36 American Peace Commissioners Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … The American Peace Commissioners to Lafayette, [27 … 1782-11-27 AL (draft): Columbia University Library; copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts...
37 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley … 1783-06-29 Copies: William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society (two),...
38 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 7 … 1783-09-07 Copies: Massachussetts Historical Society, Library of Congress We have the honour of transmitting...
39 Jay, John Preliminary Articles of Peace, 30 November 1782 1782-11-30 Articles agreed upon by and between Richard Oswald Esquire the Commissioner of his Britannic...
40 American Peace Commissioners Strachey, Henry The American Peace Commissioners to Henry Strachey, 6 … 1782-11-06 LS and three copies: Public Record Office; copies: National Archives (three), Library of Congress...
41 Oswald, Richard Draft Peace Treaty Agreed to by the American Peace … 1782-11-04 Articles agreed upon by and between Richard Oswald Esquire the Commissioner of His Britannic...
42 Franklin, Benjamin Preliminary Articles of Peace, [30 November 1782] 1782-11-30 DS : Public Record Office; copies: National Archives (six), Library of Congress (three),...
43 American Peace Commissioners Grand, Rodolphe-Ferdinand The American Peace Commissioners to Rodolphe-Ferdinand … 1783-05-22 Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft): Massachusetts...
44 American Peace Commissioners Livingston, Robert R. The American Peace Commissioners to Robert R. … 1783-07-27 LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society The...
45 American Peace Commissioners Draft Letter from the American Peace Commissioners to … 1783-07-13 AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Around July 13, the American commissioners had been...
46 Adams, John Preliminary Peace Treaty between the United States and … 1782-11-30 Articles agreed upon by and between Richard Oswald Esquire, the Commissioner of his Britannic...
47 Hancock, John Washington, George IV. John Hancock to George Washington, 2 April 1776 1776-04-02 It gives me the most sensible Pleasure to convey to you, by Order of Congress, the only Tribute,...
48 American Peace Commissioners Preliminary Articles of Peace: Second Draft Treaty … 1782-11-04 D and copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; two D and copy: Public Record Office; transcript:...
49 Adams, John Draft Articles on the Fisheries and Creditors, 28 … 1782-11-28 That the Subjects of his Britannic Majesty and the People of the Said United States Shall...
50 Adams, John Draft Articles to Supplement the Preliminary … 1783-04-27 Articles agreed upon by and between David Hartley Esquire, Minister Plenipotentiary of his...