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    • Hamilton, Alexander
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    • Adams Presidency
    • Adams Presidency


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Documents filtered by: Author="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Period="Adams Presidency" AND Period="Adams Presidency"
Results 1851-1860 of 2,251 sorted by date (ascending)
The time is near at hand when the troops composing the additional regiments may move from their present stations for the purpose of being encamped. You will therefore take care that they be provided with all articles which they may want for the purpose. Knowing the supplies that have been forwarded from time to time you will be able to ascertain what articles are necessary to make up the...
Your letter of the 17th. instant, with its enclosures has been received. I am, for my own part prefectly satisfied with the representation given by the Major, of the conduct of your officers in the affair at Elisabeth town—but as an account of it has made its appearance in the public papers, which has represented the matter to their disadvantage, I think you are interested for the honor of...
Some publications having appeared in the news papers in respect to a disturbance at Elizabeth Town implicating Capt Courtlandt & Lt. Livingston of the twelveth Regiment—it is proper that the public should know that early and particular inquiry was made into the affair by order of Major General Hamilton, & that, according to information received from very respectable authority in the Civil...
You will be pleased, whenever a General Order is issued which requires any thing to be done in your Department, to superintend it’s execution. It will be proper as often as there is an appearance of delay to write to the different Paymasters and persons acting as Paymasters to accelerate, in all such cases, the exertions which it is their duty to make. Should delays occur I shall expect you to...
The enclosed letter from Major Ford was sent, thro’ misapprehension to you — me instead of you yourself. You will doubtless As to the return, you will doubtless inform Major Ford that his returns should be sen addressed to the Deputy Adjutant General in your district who will make out an abstract and send it include them in the abstracts which he sends to the Adjutant General. The charges...
I have the honor to transmit to you, enclosed, the proceedings of the General Court martial held at Portland whereof Lt Leonard was Presidt. W— ( Df , in the handwriting of Ethan Brown, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I have just received your letter of the twenty third instant. Those officers who have been appointed since the adoption of the arrangement of relative rank for your regiment will rank stand on the list take rank according to the dates of their appointments. Where two or more persons have been appointed on the same day, the precedence will be determined by lot. ( Df , in the handwriting of...
Enclosed is a list of Articles sent me by Mr Dayton—He represents them to have been procured by your orders—Upon examining my letters I find that the articles — marked are not included with in any of the direction general or special which I have given. You will inform me whether these have been procured, and also upon what grounds they have been were added to the list of articles directed by...
1859General Orders, 28 March 1800 (Hamilton Papers)
The following regulations have been adopted by Major General Hamilton and are to govern Officers whom they may concern, in the transmission of their different returns. All Muster and Pay rolls and all returns of Clothing on hand and wanting are to be sent to the Deputy paymaster General for the District within which the troops, to which they relate are stationed or to his nearest assistant or...
Oliver Emerson, Cadet in the fifteenth regiment, has applied to me for a discharge from the service. You will deliver the enclosed to him accordingly. Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How and H, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Emerson to H, March 19, 1800 (listed in the appendix to this volume).