Alexander Hamilton Papers
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Conveyance to George Anthon, 25 April 1789

Conveyance to George Anthon1

New York, April 25, 1789. Conveys to Anthon in return for eight hundred pounds “All that certain messuage or dwelling house and lot of Ground situate lying and being in the dock Ward of the City of New York on the Easterly side of a Certain Street there called and known by the name of Broad Street.…”2

DS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress[@LOC]; certified copy, recorded under the date of August 29, 1789, Conveyances in the Office of the Register, City of New York, Liber 45, 501, Hall of Records, New York City.

1Anthon was a New York City physician.

2The lot that H sold to Anthon adjoined the rear of H’s property at 58 Wall Street, which he purchased in 1785. See “Conveyance from James Barclay and Others,” September 17, 1785 (printed in this volume).

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