Benjamin Franklin Papers

John Bondfield to the American Commissioners, 10 October 1778

John Bondfield to the American Commissioners

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Bordeaux 10th. 8bre 1778


I have this day receivd from Mr. Livingston a Letter wherein he requests I would apply for a Letter of Mark for the Ship bought for him. I shall esteem the favor of you to forward one to me by the first Post I expect he will be ready for Sea by the first November.

The Ship is called the Livingston, in Honor of Governor Livingston, the late Mr. P. Livingston, and the branches of that respectable family. The Master, Musco Livingston, is to mount ten Six Pounders, Swivels etc.4

I have just receiv’d a Letter from Mr. Louis Lizett late an Inhabitant in Canada. He writes me he has brought over his Family and Funds and proposes to retire and reside in this Kingdom. He was a respectable Cityzen of Quebec a Man of Considerable property. He requests me to become his Security as I apprehend he means to you I know not for what end unless to absolve him from his Oath of Fidelity by becomeing a Subject of France. If any Form of this Nature is requesit from my knowledge of him his Abilities and Probity I shall be ready to serve him with pleasure.

I have Letters from Carolina 14 August containing nothing interesting. I have the Honor to be with due respect Sirs Your most Obedient Humble Servant

John Bondfield

The Honble. Benj Fraklin Arthur Lee John Adams Esqrs.

Adressed: The Honble Benj / Franklin Arthur / Lee John Adams Esqr. / Commissioners from Congress / Paris

Notation: Bondfield 10. Octr. 78

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4Musco was apparently related to “the respectable family” through William Livingston, governor of New Jersey and seventh son of Philip: Edwin B. Livingston, The Livingstons of Livingston Manor (New York, 1910), pp. 537–8.

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