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Documents filtered by: Author="Adams, John Quincy"
Results 121-150 of 3,548 sorted by relevance
I have been trying ever since you went away to learn to write you a Letter. I shall make poor...
Mr G. W. Campbell is going out as Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary from the...
I take great pleasure in presenting to you the bearer of this letter, Mr Juli u s de Wallenstein,...
The three papers written by me, recommending the system of neutrality , as the duty and policy of...
I have been highly gratified in recieving your kind Letter of the 10th. instant.—I hope you will...
The letter before the last that I wrote you was numbered one, as being the first after my arrival...
I have received your two Letters; and have since then also received a Letter from President...
The Bearer of this letter, a Mr W. E. Horner Professor of Anatomy in the University of...
The flames of War, which are again spreading universally over Europe, have at length caught...
The last Letter that I wrote to you, was dated the 31st: of August 1813. Almost a year ago—and as...
I enclose herewith the second number of my Gazette, which completes the Journal for the month of...
I have a few papers to send you, and cannot omit the occasion to say a few words, though I have...
I have received your kind favour of the 6th: instt: and shall be careful to enclose the more...
By a Letter from my Son John, I have this day been apprized, of that afflictive dispensation of...
List of Miscellaneous, obsolete papers left by John Adams, late of Quincy, at his Decease 4....
The bearer of this Letter Mr: Montfort is a clergyman who being compelled to leave his Country,...
Your Letter of the 15th. instt. which informed me of the part assigned to you at the next...
Know all Men by these Presents that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk,...
Mr Dallas goes off with our Dispatches at three O’Clock to-morrow morning; and the John Adams is...
The bearer of this Letter, Mr. D’Hauteval, is a french Gentleman from the Island of St. Domingo,...
The enclosed Card has two very coarse drawings of a device, of which I wish to have a Seal...
“The Massachusetts election appears to agitate the Americans in Europe almost exclusively; of all...
Mr. William Beach Lawrence of New York, the Bearer of this letter may already be personally known...
I have this day received two letters from you of the 20th. in one of which you say you would have...
The fair ended last Saturday, and yesterday I began to translate Suetone’s life of Caligula; Mr....
I have received from President Kirkland, his answer to my enquires respecting your standing as a...
Since my last Letter (15.) nothing very material has occurred. The newspapers enclosed will shew...
As you live in terror of my long Letters, and as the very last, I had the pleasure of writing...
I have received three Letters from you since I have been here, all grumbling Letters; and all...
Conformably to the Instruction which I have received from the President of the United States, by...