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Documents filtered by: Author="Adams, Abigail Smith"
Results 481-490 of 643 sorted by date (descending)
An inflamation in one of my Eyes, will prevent me from writing more than to thank you for your...
The Letters you forwarded to me, for Saint Petersburgh, I had an opportunity of Sending...
It is so long Since I received a Letter from you or any of the Family that I am not a little...
The great quantity of snow upon the Ground has obstructed the travelling So much, that the post...
I believe I may say with truth, that I have been your daily visitor through the dreary season of...
You will no doubt receive from the President of the United States permission to return home, as...
When I wrote last to you, I was at a loss What to say to you, to console, and reconcile you to...
How often I have in imagination I have visited you this Dreary season. I know not, but not a day...
your Letter of Novbr 16th was an unexpected pleasure, for after yours of october the 13th, I had...
I received your Letters by the Mail of yesterday, and by the return of it to day I write to give...