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Documents filtered by: Author="Adams, Abigail Smith"
Results 481-490 of 643 sorted by date (ascending)
I always like to send to every one some token of remembrance by writing to each, altho, I á derth...
I must write you a few lines to day from a Night of Rest, I derive Strength, all lost again by a...
your Note I received and thank you for it, altho it gave me much anxiety upon your & mrs Bailey’s...
I received this morning your Note of Sunday and Monday, and am the better for hearing of that...
I attempted to write to you, by Captain Bronson in Jan’ry but my strength failed me, and I have...
Your Letter No 80 December 27th 1815 I have received—Since my last Letter to you, which I think...
I received a few lines from you to night by mrs Adams; and rejoice in the returning health of...
I embrace the earliest opportunity to congratulate you upon the Birth of a son, and to rejoice...
I received your note this morning and wish you had known that mr Shaw came out last Evening...
I have already written to you by this vessel. her sailing haveing been delayed, I have the...