George Washington Papers

Enclosure: Nominations for the United States Army, 29 September 1789


Nominations for the United States Army

United States September 29th 1789.

Officers of the Regiment of Infantry

Leiut. Colo. Commandant Josiah Harmar And a Brigadier General by brevet, he having been appointed such by a resolve of Congress of the 31st of July 17871
John Plasgrave Wyllys
John F. Hamtramck
Jonathan Heart
David Zeigler
William McCurdy
John Mercer
David Strong
John Smith
Joseph Ashton
Erkuries Beatty.
John Armstrong
John Pratt
Ebenezer Frothingham
William Kersey
Thomas Doyle
William Peters
Jacob Kingsbury
Ebenezer Denny
Francis Luse
Cornelius Ryrer Sedam
Nathan McDowell
Abner Prior
Robert Thompson
Asa Hartshorn
John Jeffers
Jacob Melcher
Richard Allison
John Elliot
John Scott
John Carmichael
Joshua Sumner
Officers of the battalion Artillery
Major Commandant John Doughty
Henry Burbeck
William Ferguson
Joseph Savage
James Bradford
John Pierce
Moses Porter
William Moore
Di[r]ck Schuyler
Mahlon Ford
Matthew Ernest
Edward Spear
Ebenezer Smith Fowle
Surgeon’s Mate
Nathaniel Heyward

Go: Washington

DS, in the writing of Tobias Lear, DNA: RG 46, First Congress, Records of Executive Proceedings, President’s Messages—Executive Nominations; LB, DLC:GW.

1JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. 34 vols. Washington, D.C., 1904–37. description ends , 33:440.

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