George Washington Papers
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III-A–5. Table of Disposition of Goods in the Estate, 1759


Table of Disposition of Goods in the Estate


A Table Shewing at one view how every Article in the Inventories was accounted for at Settling the Accounts before the Commissioners for that purpose.

No. Estate G. W—n JPC Sold
1. 25.  .  
2. 6.10.  
3. 1.10.  
4. x .12.  
5. 4.  .  
10. 1.15.  
11. 10.  .  
12. 3.  .  
6.  .  
.13. 4
16. 2.10.  
17. 1. 4.  
18. 9.  .  
19. 3.19.   
80.  .  
20. 1.  .   20.  .  
22. 1.  .   2.  .  
23. 1.  .   3.  .  
24. 1.10.   
25. 4.10.  
26. 7.  .  
27. 4.  .  
28. 1.10.   50.  .  
29. 1. 5.  
30. a 2.  .  
36. 119.  .  
37. 60.  .  
. 3.  
. 8. 9
4.  .  
. 6. 9
1. 5.  
10.  .  
5.  .  
38. 8.  .   
39. 3.  .  
40. 1. 5.  
41. 4.  .  
3.  .  
4.  .  
No. Estate G. W—n JPC Sold
42. b 10.  .  
43. b 2.  .  
43. 3.  .   a 3.  .  
3.  .  
4.  .  
44. 1.14.  
45. a .10.  
46. 2.  .  
47. 3.  .  
48. 1.  .   .15.  
49. a 1.10.  
50. c 2. 6.  
51. 1.  .  
52. .12.  
1. 4.  
10.  .  
53. .18.  
14.  .  
7. 8.  
2. 5.  
4.  .  
10.  .  
2. 5.  
6.  .  
3.  .  
54. d .17. 6
55. d 1.15.  
12.  .  
56. . 7. 6
40.  .  
57. 5.10.   4.10.  
58. 1.10.  
2.  .  
1.  .  
59. e 1.  .  
60. 5.  .   
61. 3.16.   
62. illegible
63. 2. 5.  
4.  .  
64. .12.  
1.  .  
65. 3.  .  
No. Estate G. W—n JPC Sold
66. .13.  
12.  .  
67. .14.  
. 2.  
68. .19.  
69. . 8.   . 1. 3
. 8.  
70. 1. 8.  
71. 1. 4.  
72. 2.  .  
73. .12.  
74. . 9. 6
. 9.  
75. . 8.  
76. 4. 3.   
1.  .   .13.  
77. 2. 5.   
78. 1.16.    7.  .  
f 1.15.  
79. 8.18.   
80. 10.  .   
81. 8. 7.6  
82. 4.19.6  
83. ⟨51.  ⟩  
84. 18.  .   
.11. 6 g . 6.  
85. 52.10.   
86. 52.10.   
10.  .  
87. 11. 4.3  
88. f 10.  .  
5.  .  
89. 70.  .  
90. 1. 6. 3
91. .12. 6
92. 49. 4.   
93. 10.  .   
94. ⟨g 6.  .⟩ 
95. 3.  .  
96. 11.10.  
97. 5.  .  
98. ⟨4.  .⟩ 
99. ⟨8.  .⟩ 
100. ⟨2.  .⟩ 
101. 30.  .  
102. 20.  .  
103. .17.  
104. 7.  .   
No. Estate G. W—n JPC Sold
24. 8. 6
⟨2.  .⟩ 
105. 2.17. 6
106. 1.10.  
107. 3.  .  
108. ⟨1.  .⟩ 
109. 1.  .   
. 1.  
1.  .  
110. . 2.  
111. . 7. 6
112. 21.17.6  
113. 3.  .   
114. . 7.  
115. 6.16.6  
116. h 6.10.  
117. 2.10.  
118. 5.  .    2.  .  
. 7. 6
1. 5.  
119. 1. 5.  
120. 2.10.   x 4.10.  
1.  .  
2. 1.  
121. 4.  .   4.  .  
5.  .  
122. 1. 8.   1. 2.  
123. 1.13.6 
124. 10.  .  
128. 3. 5.  
129. c 1.  .  
130. 10.  .  
. 7. 6
3.  .  
12.  .  
3. 5.  
131. .15.  
132. 4. 1.8   4. 1. 8
133. . 4.  
134. . 5.  
135. . 4.  
. 8.  
. 2. 6
No. Estate G. W—n JPC Sold
. 5.  
136. . 1. 5 . 1. 7
137. . 3.   
142. 2.  .  
143. 1. 3.  
144. . 2.6  
146. . 7. 6 i .12.  
147. 2. 7.  
148. 2. 4.  
149. .10.  
150. .15.  
151. .10.  
152. 1.  .  
153. ae .19.  
154. 7.  .   k . 8.  
155. 1.  .  
156. . 5.  
157. 2.  .   d .15.  
158. c .18.  
159. c .12.  
6.  .  
3.  .  
160. x . 3.  
161. k .12.  
162. k 11.10.  
163. k .13.  
164. k 1.  .  
165. ad 1. 9.  
166. .10.  
167. h 4.  .  
168. 9.  .   d 1. 7.  
169. k 3. 9.  
170. ⟨1.  .⟩  k 6.10.  
⟨171.⟩ c 1.  .  
172. ⟨. 1.⟩  . 3.  
174. . 4.  
⟨176.⟩ . 2.  
177. 25.  .  
178. k 1.  .  
179. .15.  
⟨180.⟩ 5.  .   h .10.  
⟨181.⟩ 5.  .   ck 4. 5.  
3.  .   k 1. 5.  
182. 1.10.  
183. .12.  
184. h 1.10.  
185. 4.  .   a 1.10.  
No. Estate G. W—n JPC Sold Sales1
186. 2.10.  
187. .15.  
1. 2.  
. 7.  
188. .12.  
189. . 6.  
190. .15.  
191. 8.  . 6
192. 2.  .   
193. 15.  .   . 2.  
194. 8.  .  
195. . 4.  
196. .10.    1.  .  
197. . 8.  
198. . 2.  
199. .12.  
200. 1.  .  
201. .15.  
202. 2. 2.  
203. ⟨i⟩ . 3.  
204. . 6.  
205. . 2.   2. 5. 5
1.19. 7
206. 6.10.   1.10.   17.  .  
207. ⟨1. 5.⟩  x 2. 7. 5
208. 2.16.  50.  .  
2. 7.  
209. 5.  .   a 10. 1.  
210. .10.   3. 5.  
211. .10.   .16.  
212. 2.10.   b 11.  . 6
213. . 8.    2.12. 6
214. . 4.   2. 2.  
215. 1. 1.   6.  .  
216. k . 6.   2.14. 6
217. .13.   c 10. 3. 3
218. .10.   1.15.  
219. . 3.   1. 3. 6
220. . 6.   .17. 2
221. .10.   d 7.16. 6
222. .15.   .15.  
223. . 2.   1. 3. 7
223. . 3.   .13.  
224. . 3.   1. 2.   e 3.10.  
225. . 6.   4. 6.  
No. Estate G. W—n JPC Sold Sales
239. 11.12.   3. 5. 6
240. 2.  .   f 16. 1. 7
241. . 6.   g 9.12. 1
245. 1. 9.   . 2.6 
246. 1.  .   .14.3 
247. 1.  .   .15.   .15.  
248. 8. 2.   h 8. 3. 6
249. .18.   1. 8.  
250. 5.11.   2.  .  
266. .12.   2. 3.  
267. .12.   4.10.  
268. 1. 3. 4 1. 2.  
269. .14.   4. 5.  
270. 1.11. 4 i 1. 4. 6
271. .14.   1. 1. 6
272. 1.17. 6 . 9. 6
273. . 5.   h 3.13.  
274. .17. 6 . 2. 6
275. . 8. 6 .14. 6
276. . 8. 8 2.12.  
277. 1.13. 6 . 8.  
278. . 5.   1. 4. 6
279. . 5.   . 5.  
280. 6. 5.   1. 1.  
283. 3.  .   .15. 6
287. . 3. 6 2.11.  
288. 1. 5.   . 1. 3
289. . 1. 6 . 4. 7
290. .12. 6 k 15. 3. 2
291. . 2.   . 5. 3
293. .10.   1. 4.  
294. . 2. 6 1.11.  
295. . 3.   6.  .  
. 5.⟨6⟩
. 6.⟨6⟩
.15. 1
⟨247.10. 2⟩
Corn 174. 7. 6 
Cattle 421.13.10 1143.10. 8
Horses 197.  .   161.  .  
Hogs 77. 7. 2 154.14. 4
Sheep 18.18. 8 37.17. 4
£174. 7. 62 £ 714.19. 8 £1498.12. 4 .15. 1
£  22. 5.    £ 285. 4.10 £ 268.14    £ 120. 7.   246. 5. 1
£329.11. 3  £ 112. 6.   £  143. 1.   £  91.11. 6 247.10. 2
£  6.17. 2  £ 106.12. 1 £  54.11. 7 £  52. 1.   34. 6. 4
£    .11.    £  11.17. 7 £  15. 6.   £   7.17.   281.16. 6
£  7. 2. 6  £   1. 6.   £  46.12.10
£174. 7. 6  £ 714.19. 8 £1498.12. 4 £ ⟨20.⟩    
£540.14. 5  £1232. 6. 2 £2026.17. 9 £ 281.16. 6
180. 4. 9 2/3  2026.17. 9
1232. 6. 2
540.14. 5

D, ViLxW: Washington’s Account Book; D, ViHi: Custis Papers. GW’s copy of the table fills one page and part of another of his account book. The copy in the Custis Papers, in John Mercer’s hand and without a heading, is on one large sheet. Both copies have three sets (1 to 102, 102 to 205, and 205 through the totals) of five columns each, headed No., Estate, G. W——n (or Colo. W.), JPC, and Sold. The numbers in the first column correspond to the numbers, 1 to 295, assigned to the items, or lots of items, listed in the Combined County Inventory (doc. III-A–1). Every item in the county inventory was supposed either to have been charged to the estate, to GW (or his wife), or to John Parke Custis, or to have been sold by the time the commissioners reported to the General Court in October 1759. The table was intended to demonstrate that this had been accomplished. The forty-seven omitted numbers (6–9 and 13–15, for examples) are in the combined inventory (doc. III-A–1) and are items listing livestock and, in one case, feed. The distribution of the estate livestock (cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep) between GW and John Parke Custis is given at the end of the table.

Both GW’s and Mercer’s copies of the table have in the third set of columns a separate column headed Sales. Unlike the items in the other columns, the items in “Sales” are not keyed to the Combined County Inventory. There are sixty-one figures entered in the “Sales” column, totaling £247.10.2 (presumably the total amount realized in the actual sale of items), to which GW added £34.6.4, bringing the total sales to £281.16.6, the same as the total appraised value of the items shown in the column of the table headed “Sold.” A small letter, a running through k, plus an occasional x placed before certain of the amounts given in the “Sales” column, sometimes also appears before figures in the “Sold” column of the table proper.

A part of the manuscript of GW’s copy of the table is mutilated, and the missing figures are taken from Mercer’s copy and inserted in angle brackets.

1The figures in this column are not keyed to the “No.” column. See source note.

2These figures between the two lines are GW’s running totals within the table, which are not printed in the table here.

Index Entries