Alexander Hamilton Papers
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Enclosure: Schedule H, [9 January 1790]


Table for a Tontine of Six Classes, the Number of Lives in Each Class Being Indefinite, Calculated on a Payment of Two Hundred Dollars by Each Subscriber, and at a Rate of Interest of Four Per Cent. The Computation on the Best Life in Each Class, And on the Supposition that the Subscribers to Each Class Will not be Less Than the Respective Numbers Specified in the First Column.

Dividends at successive periods during the probable continuance of life.
Number of lives in each class. Ages. Annuity whilst all are in life. At the expiration of 10 years. At the expiration of 20 years. At the expiration of 30 years. At the expiration of 40 years. At the expiration of 50 years. At the expiration of 60 years. At the expiration of 70 years.
75 1 to 20 8,426 9,722 11,490 14,042 18,054 25,278 42,130 126,390
64 21 to 30 8,676 10,272 12,606 16,314 23,110 39,618 138,666
54 31 to 40 9,046 11,102 14,366 20,354 34,890 122,282
44 41 to 50 9,650 12,488 17,608 30,328 106,150
34 51 to 60 10,714 15,178 26,020 91,068
24 61 to 70 12,802 20,518 71,802

This Table, which is calculated on so small a number of persons, will serve to shew the greatness of the advantage to fortunate survivors, in case of a numerous subscription.

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