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I lay before you for your consideration and advice, a treaty of peace and friendship, made and concluded on the 27th day of September 1792, by Brigadier General Rufus Putnam, in behalf of the United States with the Wabash and Illinois tribes of Indians. And also the proceedings attending the said treaty, the explanation of the Fourth Article thereof—and a Map, explanatory of the reservation to...
I nominate the Gentlemen in the following List to fill the Offices to which they are designated in it— Cavalry. Alexander Macomb, junr: New York— Second Lieutenant First Regiment of Artillerists & Engineers. Cadet Jared Brooks Lieutenant Robert Gray Pennsylvania Ditto Cadet Lewis Landais Ditto Cadet William Murray Ditto Cadet Joseph Cross Ditto Peter Lampkin Virginia Ditto
Appointments were made during the recess of the Senate, to carry into effect the act passed at the last Session of Congress, for repealing the duties heretofore laid upon distilled spirits, and laying others in their stead. And as these appointments must expire at the end of your present session, I nominate the following persons to be Inspectors of the Surveys and Ports annexed to their names...
Although the treaty with the Creeks may be regarded as the main foundation of the future peace and prosperity of the South Western frontier of the United States, yet in order fully to effect so desireable an object the treaties which have been entered into with the other tribes in that quarter must be faithfully performed on our parts. During the last year I laid before the Senate a particular...
I have directed the Secretary of War, to lay before you for your consideration, all the papers relative to the late negociations with the Cherokee Indians—and the treaty concluded with that tribe, on the 2d day of July last, by the Superintendant of the Southern district; and I request your advice, whether I shall ratify the same. I also lay before you the instructions to Colonel Pickering,...
I nominate the following persons for Appointments and Promotions in the Army of the United States. Major General Anthony Wayne vice Arthur St Clair, who has resigned. Brigadier General Daniel Morgan Virginia. Brigadier General Marinus Willet New York. Brigadier General John Brooks Massachusetts Brigadier General James Wilkinson Kentucky. Adjutant General and Inspector Winthrop Sargent North...
United States [New York] Gentlemen of the Senate, February 9th 1790 I nominate as Collectors, Naval Officer, and Surveyors for the Ports of the several Districts in the State of North Carolina, the persons whose names are respectively annexed to the Offices in the following list. Districts. Ports. Officers. Nominations { Collector James Read Wilmington. { Wilmington Naval John Walker  Officer...
I nominate the following persons to fill the offices annexed to their names respectively, to which, having fallen vacant during the recess of the Senate, they have been appointed. John Fitzgerald, of Virginia, to be Collector for the District of Alexandria; vice Charles Lee, resigned. John Hobby, of Maine District, to be Marshal of and for the said District; vice Henry Dearbourne, resigned....
The nomination of the following persons to fill up the existing vacancies of Ensigns are made provisionally, to be employed, or not, as the prospect of peace, by the proposed treaty, may render it expedient. If upon a further view of the subject, it should appear probable, that the proposed treaty would issue in a peace the services of these provisional Ensigns would not be required, and of...
I nominate the following Persons to be Commissioners under an Act of Congress passed in the present session to provide for the valuation of Lands and Houses and for the Enumeration of Slaves. Those Gentlemen whose Names have Asterisks before them are intended for first Commissioners New Hampshire* 1st Division. Nathaniel Gilman... Exeter 2d Do. Joseph Badger Junr... Gilmantown 3d Do. Joshua...
I lay before you a Treaty between the United States and the Chiefs of the Creek-Nation, now in this city, in behalf of themselves and the whole creek-nation, subject to the ratification of the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of the Senate. While I flatter myself that this Treaty will be productive of present peace and prosperity to our southern frontier, it is to be...
I nominate the following persons for promotions and appointments in the legion of the United States. Cavalry William Winston Major 17 July 1793 vice Rudulph resigned. Tarlton Fleming Captain 1 May vice Bowyer resigned. Solomon Van Rensselaer do 17. July vice Winston promoted. James Taylor do 20. February 1794. vice Lee cashiered. John Webb Lieutenant
A List having my signature to it is herewith presented to you, containing the names of Persons whom I nominate as Collectors, Naval Officers and Surveyors for the Ports to which their Names are respectively annexed; And as several applications have been addressed to the President and Senate conjointly I lay all under this description before you, for your information. New Hampshire Districts &...
My nomination of Benjamin Fishbourn for the place of Naval Officer of the Port of Savannah not having met with your concurrence, I now nominate Laclan McIntosh for that place. Whatever may have been the reasons which induced your dissent, I am persuaded they were such as you deemed sufficient—Permit me to submit to your consideration, whether on occasions, where the propriety of nomiminations...
Message of the President with Military Nominations Benjamin Easely Georgia Captain Benjamin F. Trapier South Carolina ditto Noah Kelsey Georgia. ditto Zachariah Nettles South Carolina ditto John Mitchell ditto ditto John Brown ditto First Lieutenant Charles Boyle
I nominate the following persons to be Consuls and vice Consuls for the United States of America, at the places affixed to their names respectively. James Simpson, to be Consul for the United States of America at the port of Gibraltar; and for such other places as shall be nearer to the said Port, than to the residence of any other Consul or vice-Consul of the United States within the same...
If, in the general Apprehension of an intention to retire in that most eminent Citizen, to whom all Eyes had been directed and all hearts attended, as the Center of our Union for So long a period; the public opinion had exhibited any clear Indications, of another, in whom our fellow Citizens could have generally united; as Soon as I read that excellent Address which announced the Necessity of...
I nominate Henry Marchant to be Judge, William Channing to be Attorney, and William Peck to be Marshall of the Judicial Court of the United States within the District of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. I likewise nominate the following persons to fill offices in the Revenue Department of the United States, within the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations—viz. Ebenezer...
I nominate the following persons to fill the Offices affixed to their names. viz. In the Judicial Department. William Peery, of the State of Delaware, to be one of the Judges in the Territory of the United States south of the River Ohio. John Stokes to be Judge of the North Carolina District, in place of William R. Davie who has declined his appointment. In the Revenue Department. Samuel...
I nominate Thomas Nelson to be Attorney for the United States in the District of Virginia, vice Alexander Campbell, who has resigned that Office. LB , DLC:GW . The Senate ordered that Thomas Nelson’s nomination “lie for consideration” on this date before consenting on 29 April ( Senate Executive Journal, 205–6). He served as federal district attorney for Virginia until his death in 1803.
On the twenty ninth day of December 1794 the following nominations for promotions were laid before the Senate. First Sub Legion Bernard Gaines Captain 30 June 1794 vice Kersey promoted. Bartholomew Shomberg ditto ditto vice Hartshorne killed John Wade ditto 1 July vice Peters promoted. Ross Bird ditto 6 July
I send herewith a copy of the Treaty of Friendship, Limits and Navigation, between the United States and his Catholic Majesty, which has been ratified by me with your Advice and Consent. A copy of the Treaty will be immediately communicated to the House of Representatives: it being necessary to make provision, in the present Session, for carrying into execution the Third and Twenty first...
I nominate Oliver Bowen, of Georgia, to be Marshal of the district of Georgia in the room of Thomas Glasscock, resigned. LS , DNA : RG 46, entry 52; copy, DLC:GW . The Senate postponed action on Oliver Bowen’s nomination on 21 May before consenting on 24 May ( Senate Executive Journal , Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America: From the commencement of...
I nominate James McDowell to be Inspector of the Revenue for the sixth survey in the District of virginia vice James Brackenridge resigned. L[S] , DNA : RG 46, entry 52; copy, DLC:GW . Secretary of the Treasury Oliver Wolcott, Jr., had written GW on 6 May: “The Secretary of The Treasury has the honor to submit to The President, recommendations in favor of several Candidates for the office of...
I nominate Matthew Clarkson, of Pennsylvania, to be the Commissioner on the part of the United States, agreeably to the 21st article of the Treaty of Friendship, limits and navigation between them and his Catholic Majesty, to examine and decide the claims of the Citizens of the United States for losses sustained in consequence of their vessels and cargoes having been taken by the subjects of...
Gentlemen of the Senate, I nominate Charles Cochran of South Carolina, to be Marshal of and for the District of South Carolina; vice Daniel L. Huger, resigned. and Thomas Waters Griffith, of Maryland, to be Consul of the United States of America, for the port of Havre Marat, in France; and for such other places as shall be nearer to the said port than to the residence of any other Consul or...
Charleston, 2 Nov. 1797. They represent that by the laws of South Carolina and by practice of long standing, the wharves onto which imported goods are unladen in the city of Charleston are privately owned and the proprietors of the wharves have collected fees for the weighing of merchandise. The present collector of the port refuses to recognize the wharfholders’ agents as weighers. He...
I nominate John Pickering to be District Judge of New Hampshire; vice John Sullivan, deceased, and Benjamin Woods, to be Attorney for the United States in the District of North Carolina; vice William Hill, resigned. LB , DLC:GW . The Senate confirmed these nominations on 11 Feb. ( Senate Executive Journal Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America: From...
I nominate Anthony Walton White of New-Jersey to be Surveyor for the Port of New Brunswick and Inspector of the Revenue for the same. LS , DNA : RG 46, entry 52; LB , DLC:GW . The Senate confirmed Anthony Walton White’s nomination on this date (see Senate Executive Journal Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America: From the commencement of the First, to...
I nominate David Russell of the State of Vermont to be Collector of South Hero in the District of Vermont, vice Stephen Keyes, superseded. LB , DLC:GW . On this date, GW’s secretary George Washington Craik delivered this message to the Senate, which approved the nomination on 26 January. GW again wrote the Senate on 31 Jan. to nominate Russell as the “Inspector of South Hero in the District of...