
  • Author

    • Claiborne, William C. C.
  • Recipient

    • Madison, James
  • Period

    • Jefferson Presidency

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Documents filtered by: Author="Claiborne, William C. C." AND Recipient="Madison, James" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency"
Results 51-80 of 379 sorted by recipient
5 April 1805, New Orleans . “A Late letter from Captain Turner of Natchitoches contains the...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 4 December 1805, New Orleans. “I have had no late intelligence...
8 January 1802, Natchez. Reports that “nothing very interesting” has occurred since his letter of...
2 March 1804, New Orleans. “The northern mail arrived on last evening, but brought me no official...
8 December 1803, Fort Adams. “I am still at this place. An embarkation is talked of tomorrow; but...
9 June 1804, New Orleans. “Captain Turner the Commandant at Nachitoches, in a letter to me dated...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 15 March 1806, New Orleans. “The Carrier of the Mail of the...
Since my last I have been as busily engaged as circumstances would admit, in making such...
26 January 1805, New Orleans. “I enclose you the third number of the Public Accuser. You will see...
10 February 1805, New Orleans . “Colonel De Lassus formerly Lieutenant Governor of Upper...
27 January 1805, New Orleans. “The Last Northern Mail met with a misfortune. The Rider reported...
13 May 1804, New Orleans. “I received on this morning the enclosed letter from Captain Turner,...
9 April 1804, New Orleans. “The Patroles on last night arrested twelve or fifteen Spanish...
14 May 1804, New Orleans. “On this morning, I received the enclosed letter from the Commandant of...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 4 January 1806, “Near New Orleans.” “Having, for the most part,...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 27 September 1805, Concordia . “In consequence of a letter, I...
30 November 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Received JM’s communication of 14 Nov. with its enclosures...
27 March 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 14 Feb. letter with its enclosure...
18 May 1805, “On the Missisippie, 60 Miles, from New orleans .” “I left the City on the 14th....
21 February 1805, New Orleans . “In my Letter of the 19th Instant, I stated that about the last...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 5 December 1805, New Orleans. “Mr. Graham has this moment...
The enclosures No. 1 & 2 are Letters I lately received from Governor Folch, and that No. 3 a Copy...
6 January 1805, New Orleans. “I have understood that the incipient Capital of the Louisiana Bank...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 3 August 1805, New Orleans. “On the 30th. ultimo, Mr. Gurley the...
26 October 1804, New Orleans. Forwards a duplicate of his 16 Oct. letter , which contains his...
15 December 1804, New Orleans. “I have the pleasure to inform you, that the Council progress in...
19 April 1805, New Orleans . “In conformity to your Letter of the 25th of February, I have taken...
20 January 1802, Natchez. Encloses a letter received from Mississippi attorney general Harding...
31 [sic] June 1802 , “ Near Natchez .” Acknowledges JM’s letter of 11 May enclosing the opinion...
30 March 1805, New Orleans . “Mr Chambers the United States Factor for the Chactaw Indians is now...